Serres: The Strymonikos Bridge was used (photos) Greece


The Strymonikos Bridge, which connects both sides of this colony, was put into service at Serres

The inhabitants of the area for years were forced to pbad through a torrent to pbad through. one side while the modern bridge now has two lanes, two sidewalks and an electrical lighting network.

According to the Region, the project has been in abeyance for several years because of the bureaucratic problems that have been solved by the Region, the Anti-Serres region and the Municipality of Iraklia, the Regional Governor of Macedonia Apostolos Tzitzikostas and the Mayor of Iraklia, Kleanthis Kotsakiachides. In fact, the project, with a budget of 450,000 euros, was to finish in November, but it was completed earlier and received the liberation



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