Shake a scarf in the movement movement of the river



By Dimitris Gatsiou

With an overwhelming majority, Potamio executives have accepted the contribution of Stavros Theodorakis and so Potami issues a certificate of divorce with the Movement of Change. In the vote that took place some time ago, 97 deputies voted in favor of the withdrawal of Sevastopol from Charilaos Trikoupis, 16 voted against, while there were 5 whites.

In half an hour Stavros Theodorakis will contact the leaders of Potamio officially announce the withdrawal of KINAL, while a new step is now set directly in October, when a conference on leadership, positions Sevastopol policies and cooperation will take place. has maintained with the sources of the Movement of Change just a few hours after the announcement of the official vote result in the river, which commented that the image of Sevastopol members of others propose to cooperate with ND and others to propose cooperation with SYRIZA, show their internal crisis. "For us, the vote of more than 200,000 citizens is an honor and a responsibility." KINAL will continue his independent course to be reinforced every day and more, "they point out.

Later KINAL published an official announcement"

Everyone badumes his responsibilities towards a progressive world that demands seriousness , responsibility and awareness of the criticality of the moments and the role they play "

Anyone who underestimates the need for unity in the center-left is certain to be judged by the party world, "he said in a statement from the Movement of Change in which he said:" KINIMA CHANGE is the knowledge of hundreds of thousands of co-founders who are the only irreplaceable guarantors of his career. united fragmented progressive space.

We are the progressive pole to the conservative policies of SW and SYRIZA

In the November and Congress elections in March, clearly impressed that the movement of change expresses the same. space wider of social democracy, the renewing left, and the progressive center

We united and expressed the forces of progressive space. We serve the demand of the progressive world for political unity through the necessary compositions.

Different viewpoints reinforce business pluralism as long as they ensure unity and cohesion rather than leading to fragmentation. "

" Each difficulty unites us even more. We are going forward with determination for the strong left that will provide progressive solutions for Greeks and Greeks. We move forward with an open mind, adding and multiplying forces, going forward with those that they want and can. "

St. Theodorakis: KINAL leadership persists in past politics

The politics of the past insists on the leadership of the movement of change, stressed among others Stavros Theodorakis, speaking at the big meeting River MPs

In his speech, the leader of Potamio noted: "Although the space we created has powers that propose new solutions, however, the direction of change in the policies of the Movement persists from the past. Reforming apnea is not appropriate for everyone who has come together in the Movement for Change. "

" The flag of an old-fashioned party suddenly raised in the Movement of Change is a failed recipe. We must therefore think firmly again about the future. We Potamies have a purpose. Progressive politics prevail, "said Theodorakis at another time.

* Read more:

-" Divorce "by KINAL was introduced by Stavros Theodorakis

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