Shock and unanswered questions about the 15-year-old suicide in Argyroupoli


The unfortunate news found her parents hanging – The note and complaints about intimidation

Lamentations and many questions were caused by the suicide of a 15-year-old boy in Argyroupoli.

The young man was found hanged by his parents on the balcony of their house.

According to information, the 15-year-old has left a note where he mentions the intimidation of some friends and clbadmates that he names. There is information indicating that the child has committed suicide shortly after returning from a party.

In one of his last posts on social networks, he wrote: "Anyone who speaks badly in your absence is afraid of your presence"

The student who completed the 1st Lyceum is the The youngest son of a southern suburban restaurateur was found hanging on the balcony of his house after a party where he had gone and the information was referring to a note that existed next to the intact body of the house. 39, child

What says the note

The student on the few lines that he wrote reasons that led him to acre a transaction.

Especially as he says it, he decided to end his life because he could not stand the intimidation that he accepted by his clbadmates, naming even six specific people: "J 's". love my mother, my father and my brother (he mentions the name of his brother), begins his bold letter, and after mentioning the names of some people he writes: "They destroyed me. Destroy them. "

The President of the Union of Southeast Attica Police, Giorgos Kalliakmanis, expressing to, emphasizes:" A tragic incident for which the division of the Southeast Security is from Attica, sub-department of the protection of minors. Of course, because this fact is also very sensitive because it 's about a minor, the approach and the investigation of the facts by the police officers are done. a very careful way. The problem, of course, is that a new child has been lost so unfairly, and now the main goal is to respect all our own people who are crying their loss so premature. "

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