Shocking details of the murder of Pilea


The 48-year-old man confessed to his father that he had killed his mother as a result of a dispute they had had because he was pushing him to to take his pills

The shocking details of Pilea in Thessaloniki where a 48-year-old man killed

According to the website, the murder would have occurred between 5:30 and 10:00

The man of 48 years would have formed a double loop with a belt, causing the asphyxiation of his mother

According to the same information, the alleged offender

Today, at 10 h, his father took him home with his mother to go to an appointment at the psychiatric hospital

. At 12:00, when they returned home, the father counted his 71-year-old wife dead. He immediately asked his son who did it. His 48-year-old son replied that he had killed his mother after an argument that they had because he was pushing him to take his pills

By the time he was called to the police who was arrested at the age of 48.

the homicide offense and will be brought before the competent prosecutor


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