Signage "Rent" with the month of tax administration


This summer, taxpayers can relocate their locked-in cars by "renting" their billboards in the month by the tax office, that is, getting their registration plates for one, three months or more.

How and how much will it cost, in the following five questions and examples:

How are the fees calculated per month

] – For the suspension of immobility for a period of 1 month, 2/12 annual registration fees are due

– For suspension of immobility for a period of 3 months, 4/12 of the amount corresponding to the vehicle are paid, taxes annual circulation.

– To remove the remainder for the remainder (12/31/2018), one-twelfth of the amount of the remaining annual registration fees from the date of withdrawal until the end of the year. year plus 2/12 corresponding annual fees are paid.

The return of the registration number in case of cancellation of the immobilization for one or three months or for the rest of the year must be done until the last day of the period of circulation of the vehicle for which it was issued paid and if it does not run or coincides with a holiday, the traffic data are returned to the next working day for the day of administration of the vehicle. tax

How a taxpayer can use the measure

First of all, the immobility is made upon request of the vehicle owner, which is kept in the record of the tax office. For the calculation of the amount of the circulation tax, the month to be taken shall be counted as a whole month, irrespective of the date of withdrawal, that is to say when it is taken at the beginning or at the end of the month

A) For 1,000 cc pbadenger cars, the annual circulation fee is 120 EUR. Assuming that a taxpayer requests a cancellation in writing on June 20, 2018:

– If he opts for a cancellation of one month, the applicable travel expenses are calculated as follows: 120 euros x (2/12) = 20 euros. Traffic data in this case will be returned to the International Tax Authority on the first business day of the tax administration by July 2, given that the return date for traffic data for which taxes have been paid on June 30, coincides with a non-business day. In this case, the month of June is considered complete for the purposes of calculating taxes

– If he chooses to raise for 3 months, the corresponding circulation fee will be 120 EUR x (4/12) = EUR 40 Traffic data in this case must be returned to the SOA no later than August 31 (the last day of the broadcast period for which the tax was paid, which is a business day).

– If she opts for the remainder of the year ie until 31/12/2018 (last day of the trading period for which the fees were paid , one working day), the traffic charges will be paid for 7 months plus 2/12 as follows: 120 euros x (7/12) + 120 Euros x (2/12) = 70 Euros + 20 Euros = 90 Euros [19659005]
B) For pbadenger cars With CO2 emissions per 100 g / km, the annual traffic costs are: 100 x 0.90 = 90 euros. Let me badume that a taxpayer requests a carryover on June 20, 2018:

– If he opts for a one-month cancellation, the corresponding travel expenses are calculated as follows: 90 euros x (2/12) = 15 euros. Traffic data in this case will be returned to the International Tax Authority on the first business day of the tax administration by July 2, given that the return date for traffic data for which taxes have been paid on June 30, coincides with a non-business day. In this case, the month of June is considered complete for the purposes of calculating taxes.

– If he chooses to raise for 3 months, the corresponding registration fee will be 90 EUR (4/12) = 30 EUR. Traffic data in this case must be returned to the SOA no later than August 31 (the last day of the broadcast period for which the tax was paid, which is a business day).

– If she opts for the remainder of the year up to 31/12/2018 (the last day of the exchange period for which the fees were paid, one business day), the traffic charges will be paid for 7 months plus 2/12, ie EUR 90 x [(7/12) + (2/12)] = EUR 90 x

When a fine is imposed

A fine equal to [(19659005)-Example:lepropriétaireouledétenteurduvéhiculedel'exemple1apayédesfraisdemiseencirculationpourunepériodedetrois(3)ansdevoyagedifférémois(40euros)etnerenvoiepaslesdonnéesd'immatriculationduvéhicule(licenceetplaques)dansledélaiimpartiUneamendede120€x2=240eurosestimposéeb)paiementtardifdestaxesroutièresencasd'immobilisationobligatoire

Example: vehicle 1 000 ml with an annual road tax of EUR 120 , who had been forcibly detained because of the theft, was found by the police and surrendered to her on July 5, 2018. Unless the six-month proportional release fee (Jul let to December 2018) are paid until July 20, 1968, a fine of EUR 120 x 2 = EUR 240 will be imposed

How many times can the measure be used

The above choice of One or three months of lifting, once completed, is binding and not reopened, in the year 2018, the immobility and movement of the vehicle in the same way.

However, if the right of withdrawal has already been exercised once and the holder still wishes to revive the immobility, he will have to pay (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) are collected on the basis of the annual circulation tax, less the amount of tax already paid for one or three months.
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