Six million euros for the reconstruction of the ancient Chania war museum


The amount of 6 million euros for the reconstruction of the building of the Italian armies in Chania, which was completely destroyed by fire, said G. Stathakis

The Minister of the Environment and The prefecture's energy said in his statement: "In agreement with the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Panos Kammenos and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Development, Mr. Alexis Charitsis, the government has decided to freeze the public investment program by the amount of 6 million euros for the complete reconstruction of the Italian armies "

In" the indifference of the Greek bureaucracy and officials of the Department of National Defense, "he attributes the destruction of the old museum, the deputy and the head of the economy

" The destruction of yesterday 's & [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[oneofthemosthistoricandbeautifulbuildingsinthecityofChaniaisdueunelytotheindifferenceoftheGreekbureaucracyandtheDepartmentofNationalDefenseleaveus"Unpopularandabandonedwascompletelydestroyedlastnight"saidBakoyannisinhisstatementadding:"ItisnowurgenttomovetheprocedurestodelivertotheChaniamunicipalitytojoinaEuropeanfundingprogramfortheimmediaterestorationofits"

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