Some of the victims of Mati's fire "could never be identified" – SKAI (


This is what SKAI told the head of the Criminal Investigation Division of General Police Penelope Miniatis, noting that three victims were not found in the tragedy of the ### Helicopter Helios

28/07/2018 – 00:52

He noted that in the tragedy with Helios aircraft, which crashed at Grammatiko in 2005, three people were not found despite the fact it was a list of named pbadengers

The team of Ms. Meniatis to badume the identification of the victims.

He said that all citizens who reported missing relatives had arrived and gave a sample of genetic material, but necropsies were completed in the afternoon of Friday

. the comparison with the genetic material presented by the relatives and the reports of experts provided by the law

At a very human moment, Mrs. Meniati did not exclude the possibility that the members of her team s & # 39; 39, collapse after the completion of the research. "We are humans"