Spirtzis defends Lyberopoulos at trial with Beat


On the side of Panhellenic taxi federation president Thymios Lyberopoulos, Minister of Infrastructure Christos Spiritsis and Defense Minister Panos Kammenos appear at the BEAT trial against him.

Beat filed a lawsuit against Thimios Lyberopoulos for slanderous defamation, claiming compensation of 260,000 euros, as a result of repeated reports from the well-known trade unionist that the company would have found a way to avoid paying money. taxes in Greece.

According to the company, the claims of Thymus Lyberopoulos have resulted in a loss for the company, since 20% of the approximately 8,000 taxi drivers with whom it cooperates have long since stopped using the online platform.

"The attempt to terrorize President Thimios Lyberopoulos, who, as it should, defends TAXI drivers, can not travel to a democratic country, I am with him, I support him with his colleagues", wrote Panos Bammen on his personal Twitter account.

The terror attempt of President Thimios Lympropoulos, who must defend TAXI drivers, can not go to a democratic country. I am with him, I support him with his colleagues.

– Panos Kammenos (@PanosKammenos) November 2, 2018

At the same time, POITA announced the announcement of a nationwide taxi strike on Thursday, November 8, 2018 and a meeting at 9 am in the Evelpidon courts, during which the BEAT trial against the president would be pronounced the same day and the same hour.

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