Suicide of 15 years – the time of filings: Before the authorities some students


Some officers who expect to collect valuable data for the case study of 15-year-old suicide in Argyroupoli, reportedly arrived at the agents of the sub-department for the protection of minors of the Greek police [19659002] Special attention is given have undertaken to investigate the case in the contents of the personal calendar of 15 years, among which he also records the thoughts that he committed to commit suicide.

however, they are subject to what the autograph writes in his diary and in the notes found in his room (one of which even mentions his six clbadmates as the culprit of the martyr who lived in the last days as a victim of permanent intimidation).

"We should be very careful to mention that the 15-year-old personal diary shows personal thoughts and feelings of self-esteem and not people who badociate them with bullying," they said. declared to the newspaper. Attica security management officers. In the same context, it was not easy to establish a category for impulse to suicide. "To be mortified, we must find evidence that incite to this act," according to sources quoted by the newspaper.

Wednesday, the circle of deposits of teachers, clbadmates and friends of 15 years … according to sources close to the survey, some students who were summoned – or should be called – have already been identified to deposit a presence of child psychologists at the Assistant Family Directorate.

In the coming days, the results of lifting the privacy of the phone on a 15-year-old cell phone that will be estimated will give answers to the reasons why the child was suicidal

Tuesday after -midi, parents and brother, friends, clbadmates, parents and teachers said goodbye to the 15-year-old child at the Argyroupolis cemetery. Holding a white rose in their hand, they all spoke of an excellent child who had never given the right, while expressions of anger were not lacking for those who had sent him to dismay [19659008] (function (d, s, id)
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