Today, the two brothers and sisters – 24 and 25 years old – were apprehended for the murder of the 63 – year – old rancher in the upper part of Amari.
The two men were found today in front of the Rethymnon investigator in order to excuse themselves for what they were accused of.
Immediately after the apology with the consent of the prosecutor and the investigator, the two brothers and sisters were detained
early recruitment of a number of people, relatives of the breeder unfortunate, who had just realized the presence of the two brothers began to shout furious
The accusations
As the cretapost has already written, the prosecutor was sued bis to 24 years with the intention to murder and murder attempt against the young stranger who was with the victim.
The information reports that in his testimony, the 24-year-old confessed that he had had an engagement in which his life was threatened by the victim and that he was firing against him. of his.
At least three spheres were spent by the 63-year-old breeder who left his last breath in his car after the attack on him at Upper […]
Three bullets received by the # Breeder
In the evening of Sunday, the autopsy was performed by a coroner Anthony Papadomanolakis, who found the bullets found in the head and chest.
"He accepted at least three spheres head and chest.We are waiting a few steps to see what caused the death of the 63-year-old man, but injuries to the head and chest would have could be fatal.In the chest hit vital organs and in the head caused craniocerebral injury, "he spoke in the cretapost, Papadomanolakis.
23 year old good health
23 year old pbadenger injured at Rethymno hospital
According to cretapost, he is not going to be surgical and should be released in the next days
"The state of health of the 23-year-old breeder is in very good condition.The sphere did not touch any vital organs while the doctors thought that it would not have to undergo an operation to remove it, "he told the cretap, the governor of Rethymno Hospital, George Fragiadakis
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