"SYRIZA / ANEL fraud" in the Peloponnese poll


According to a new poll of the government coalition Syriza / ANEL

According to the investigation of Kapa Research conducted on behalf of the local television channel "TV Super", SYRIZA withdrew to the Peloponnese at 14.4 %

In the central question on the vote of the electorate in the prefectures of the Peloponnese, Nea Demokratia badembles 24.5%, SYRIZA being far behind with 14, 4% and well below the threshold of 20%.

The Communist Party accounted for 4%, the Century Union 2.7%, while in this survey the Greek party Solution (Velopoulos) shows upward trends of 2.5%. Followed by ANEL with 2.2%, Lafazanis with 1.3% and the other with 5.3%

The major government losses due to "Macedonian" seem to be impossible counterbalanced by the agreement of the government. Eurogroup on the settlement of the Greek debt, in which the mansion Maximus has invested. Zappeion's fiancé and the Prime Minister's tie not only do not convince the vast majority of citizens of the decision, but they maintain almost intact the pessimism of Greek society about the economic situation.

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