Tables of beneficiaries of social tourism – Greece were published by OAED


  Tables of Beneficiaries of Social Tourism

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The official tables of beneficiaries and providers of tourist accommodation were posted on the portal of the Organization of Employment (www.oaed. gr)

Beneficiaries and suppliers who submit an electronic application for participation are entitled to oppose the results of temporary registers and tables from Wednesday and Thursday, from 11.00 to Friday at 23.59.

According to relevant opinion of the OAED, the supporting documents accompanying the beneficiaries' application are digitized and co-submitted electronically or submitted to the competent department of the OAED until July at 13:00.

The documents accompanying the objections of the objectors are scanned and submitted with the application exclusively by electronic means, until the deadline for filing objections.

After the examination of the objections and the publication of the final results, the implementation of the program, which will last 12 months

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