TEE: The 327 arbitrarily declared in Mati | Greece


According to statistics published by the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), the Regional Unit of East Attica, which includes the fiery eye, is the first to be declared by the Regional Chamber of Eastern Attica on the occasion of the public debate

In fact, according to the TEE, out of the total of 971 000 arbitrary declarations to be legalized – everywhere in Greece – that have been submitted by the implementation of the relevant laws to date, the percentage Specifically for the eye, 327 are declared as arbitrary statements, of which 156 belong to category 5 (ie, They refer to completely arbitrary buildings or to more than 40% of the size). The number of referees in this category is a total of 24,455 sq. M.

It is recalled that the arbitrary categories in the building are five (1,2,3,4,5). The completely arbitrary buildings of the 5th category "initially" gain a demolition suspension of 30 years, because their legalization is conditional and mainly in the legal condition of being in town planning, a condition that does not meet Matti

from the statistical treatment of all statements in Mati Attica, according to the categorization and data of laws 4178/2013 and 4495/2017, the following conclusions also appear:

– 52% of the statements are not accompanied by some buildings license. The corresponding average in the territory is 25% of unauthorized declarations.

– 93% of reported offenders are out of the plan. The corresponding average in the territory is 29% of off plan declarations.

– In the overwhelming majority (86%), arbitrary houses are second homes. (1969002) – Finally, with the age of the allegations reported, 17% are buildings before 1975, 32% of buildings 1982, 28% of buildings from 1983 to 2003 and 23% of arbitrary buildings from 2004 to 28/7 / 2011 (date of "red line" for arbitrary declaration)

It should be noted that in the two laws above and respectively in the information system of the Technical Chamber of Greece ( TEE), there are no arbitrarily constructed constructions in forests, forests

The figures above do not include the category 3 statements of the two laws on micro-deletions and micro-perpetration in legally existing buildings

. The declarations of Law 4014/2011 have been incorporated into the provisions of Law 4178/2013.

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