Texas executed Wednesday morning by a lethal injection into the Huntsville City Prison Run Chamber Christopher Yang, 34, been convicted of killing a shop owner during a robbery in 2004, despite calls
Yang was guilty of killing Hashmül Patel in his grocery store in San Antonio
There is the 13th American prisoner to be executed this year and the 553rd in Texas since the US Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. Texas has the sad first among the American states in executions. of the year, Texas executed seven executions
Yang's lawyers had asked at the last minute to revoke the decision to execute by claiming that the tribal factor had contributed to the denial of grace this month
The US District Court Judge denied their claim on Tuesday and his lawyers announced that they were going to appeal the decision
They also pointed out that the council had proposed leniency to a similar case earlier, which concerned a white criminologist, and that they should do the same with the Yang case.
Those who asked for clemency, wanted to propose to the board the sentence of life imprisonment
Texas argued that Yang had been convicted and deserved to die for the murder he had committed shortly thereafter. 39 Sexual badault against a woman that he had stolen in the car.
He also argued that the Yang Party had not provided evidence to prove that the Commission had ruled against racist criteria.
The request for mercy was also supported by the victim's son, Miti Patel, who claimed that Yang showed repentance and contributed to restraint
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