The 11 "unknown" benefits for workers and the unemployed


In addition to well-known unemployment benefits, many unknown special allowances are granted either after the end of the regular unemployment grant, to employees on standby or in retirement, or because of the insolvency of their employees. an employer, or even young people aged 20-29, to new mothers and other categories

More specifically:

1. Unemployment benefit (360 euros plus 10% increase for each member of the protected family)

Termination of a contract (dismissal) and a fixed number of days of insurance are required

Β . Seasonal (touristic occupations, etc.)

Seasonal workers with an employment contract (such as hotels and other seasonal work) are exempt from the 400-day criterion. Work Allowance or Withdrawal from Business

Beneficiaries are insured persons who do not meet the conditions of a regular subsidy in case of cessation of their activities and incapacity for the benefit of the employer. employer to terminate the employment contract or in case of exercise by his employer (Article 325 Acts)

They must remain unemployed for three months and have completed 60 working days in the year preceding the quarter of Unemployment The insured can receive special help up to three times a year. Last year's income should not exceed (for 2013) 9,977.99 euros and increase by 293.47 euros per year. The limit for this year is € 10,271.46. In addition, an employee who is at work may receive a regular unemployment benefit (360 euros) if the other legal conditions are met. In case of bankruptcy of the company, the claim of the employment contract (dismissal) must be filed.


Those who remain unemployed a month after the expiration of the regular unemployment benefit and are not subject to the categories set out in Article 22 of Law 1836/89 (builders, careers members of the lime, musicians, singers etc.). The amount is 190 euros. The special allowance is paid by decision of the director of the competent service of the OAED at the request of the person concerned, who is subject to the temporary service of his place of residence within two months after the expiry the specified time

. the payment of the special allowance also requires that the net annual net income of the insured does not exceed (for 2013) 9 977.99 euros and increases by 293.47 euros per year. This year, the limit is 10,271.46 euros

4. Allowance for young people aged 20-29

It is paid to young people aged between 20 and 29, provided that they are registered unemployed for one year and at 73.37 euros per month for five months (367 euros in total)

5. Employer's Insolvency Benefit

The "Employer Protection Account for the Protection of Employees" covers the payment of unpaid wages up to a maximum of three (3) months contract or employment relationship due to the insolvency of the employer. six (6) months prior to the filing of the application or the declaration of bankruptcy.

6. Availability Allowance

When an employer puts employees on standby, the OAED pays 10% of the average salary for the last two months full-time. These benefits are not paid for more than three months each year

The right of the employee to be subsidized due to availability can be exercised within 60 days of the date on which he / she became available (19659003). .


The right to receive allowance is paid to those who have earned 150 salaries during the previous year's rankings or 150 workdays (wages) before the 15-month ranking not counting the salary of the last 3 months

The Beneficiaries have a collection period, three months after their dismissal by the army. Special badistance after a stay of one quarter in the registers of the OAED

The insured can receive the special allowance up to three times a year

The amount of help is 220 euros / month. An income criterion applies (€ 9,977.99 in 2013 and € 10,271.46 in 2014)

He is entitled to the insured persons who do not fulfill the conditions of a regular subsidy, remain at the unemployment for three months, have completed unemployment insurance at least sixty (60) working days of the year before the beginning of the quarter and not falling under Article 22 of Law 1836/89 (builders, careers , limestones, musicians, singers, etc.)

9. Newcomer on the Labor Market (NSSR)

The OAED pays a special allowance to unemployed youth up to the age of 29 (up to the age of 29 years old) who have reached the age of 20 and have graduated from a public educational institution receiving a qualification diploma at any level of education. It is a prerequisite to be entered in the special registers of the unemployed no later than three (3) months after the receipt of the diploma and for the men to have fulfilled their military obligations or be legally exempted

Interested parties must contact the CFA2 who are closest to their place of residence for more information and conditions.

10. Special Maternity Protection Benefit

The IKA Insured who uses Maternity Special Leave for 6 months after taking the 3.5 months postpartum leave or has been converted to work part-time is entitled to statutory salary of 586 euros

The six-month special leave is entitled to mothers who are insured with IKA-ETAM and who are employed in private enterprises or holdings with a relationship of part-time, full-time or part-time work

This authorization is granted by the employer after the expiry of the pregnancy and part-time leave or the equivalent of the time off and regular annual leave, provided that it is granted on the basis of annual deadlines. The insured may, on irrevocable request, make use of all or part of it. It may also terminate the special leave with the written consent of the employer. In any case, the rest of the leave is not transferred to another period.

Does the employee want to use the six-month license to exhaust the first three months of leave after the period? Additional maternity benefits

The difference between the worker's salary and the birth bonus received from IKA is paid. It is paid to women who work at the beginning of pregnancy leave, after childbirth and if they receive the benefit of IKA.

Maternity benefits are equal to the difference that occurs if the remuneration paid by the Employer is deducted from the benefit paid by IKA. for the same period

The deadline for submitting an application is three months from the date of payment by IKA

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