The 34-year-old man who was missing was arrested by violence in an apartment


8 July 2018 19:22

A very strange case is handled by the police, after identifying a 34-year-old woman who had disappeared since 4 July in an apartment in Exarchia.

According to what fled a woman who heard voices from neighboring apartments calling for help and phoning the police, revealing the case

Arriving at the point, police officers met at the entrance two Moroccans and in the apartment three Algerians and a 34-year-old Greek woman, all under the influence of drugs

As revealed the girl, According to, the five foreign men kept him for at least 3 days with violence and beat him however

34-year-old man's parents had reported The disappearance of their daughter July 4 in a commissariat of the southern suburbs

The police believe that the girl had volunteered to go to the apartment of the aliens to get of drugs, but it seems that things have slipped, and the five Africans have kept it without will, exerting a violent e physics on its function [f, b, e, v, n, t]s)
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