The "air cargo package" begins with a European directive


The European Commission today called on Greece and 13 other EU Member States to implement the new rules on air pbadenger data (PNR). In particular, the Commission sent letters of formal notice to Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Estonia, Spain, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Luxembourg , Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Finland. the PNR Directive. Member States were to do so by the end of May 2018.

The Commission recalls that PNR data concerns information provided by pbadengers to airlines when booking and checking tickets. This data may include details such as the pbadenger's name, travel dates, routes, position number, baggage, contact information and payment methods. The PNR Directive requires Member States to set up a national system for the collection, badysis and exchange of data for law enforcement purposes, in full respect of data protection safeguards

. PNR data processing is an important tool in the fight against terrorism, helping to identify criminals and potential terrorists, including those previously unknown to law enforcement authorities. "However, for the PNR framework to be fully exploited, it is important that all Member States' systems are operational," the Commission says.

Member States that have not fully transposed the PNR Directive have two months to do so.

In addition, the Commission sent letters of formal notice to Greece and to 16 other Member States (Austria, Belgium France, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia , Sweden, Czech Republic and Finland) because they have not notified the measures fully transposing the conditions for entry, residence and mobility within the EU into their national legislation. for third country nationals for purposes of research, study, internship, volunteering, student exchanges or training programs and employment in Internally Paid Peers

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