The benefits are staggered – The "obligations" of the unemployed increase LABORATOIRES


"The Person" of the State Towards the Unemployed ": As such, he presents the OAED Governor Karamanis, describing on the website of the Agency the role, the "challenges" and projects of "reorganization" promoted by the SYRIZA-ANEL government

The benefits – crumbs awarded to a minimum percentage of unemployed, the "employment" which includes paid jobs with a date of & dquo; Deadline for & # 39; the "benefactors", who offer impeccable manpower and other "incentives" to businesses, and the growing "obligations" of the Agency's records, are faces of the "face" of anti-popular politics in the face of hundreds of thousands of unemployed people A "person" who is increasingly reluctant to see "reorganizations" promoted to the standards of the most "advanced" anti-worker practices in the powerful capitalist economies of the EU

Grants to a handful of unemployed

insufficient crumbs, limited to only 360 euros a month, subsidize the unemployed of the OAED who manage to badimilate the In particular, the allowance for full-time workers before being unemployed is equal to 55% of the wage of the unskilled worker. Huge reduction of low wages s and wages, legislated in 2012 and still in force, fueled monthly unemployment benefits at these levels. The amount of the benefit is increased by 10% for each child of the unemployed family.

However, even this reduced allowance is granted only to a small percentage of the unemployed OAED entered in the register. As a rule, the statistics of the Organization for May show 911 556 registered unemployed and only 114 337 subsidized, or 12.54%.

Obstacles to Access to Benefits

The working days of each unemployed person are the period for which the person has the right to work allowance, which may vary from 5 at 12 months . For a maximum period of 12 months, unemployed persons must have completed 250 working days in the last 14 months. The shorter period of 5 months refers to those who completed 125-149 days of work during the respective period, while there are intermediate subsidy periods (6, 8 and 10 months), depending on working days completed. Fewer working days, that is to say, correspond to a shorter grant period. In this context, workers working with short-term contracts and other forms of "flexible" work are more difficult to accumulate on working days or 10 months of work over a period of 14 months to guarantee the allocation for one year

Even worse are the conditions facing the thousands seasonal hoteliers since the duration of the subsidy may last only three months and five days every year. Thus, seasonal hoteliers, who are also the majority of the sector, return to the tails of the OAED in the fall with the end of each season, but they are left without a bonus for about half of their unemployment.

Differences also exist in ] unemployment benefits since part-time employees are unlikely to be entitled to the sum of 360 euros as a whole . The full unemployment benefit is only perceived by those who have had part-time monthly wages of more than 12 times the wage of the unskilled worker, or more than 314 euros gross [19659002] "Reports" and "obligations" of the unemployed

The rudimentary benefits, which are also awarded with the dropper, complete the "employment" of the unemployed. By decision of the Board of Directors of the OAED last March, the "obligations" of the unemployed registered in the register were clarified. This decision adds an additional leverage to the mechanism of exploitation of the unemployed as a cheap labor whose "reintegration" is channeled to the labor market by the pursuit of "l & rsquo; "Extinction" of their rights

. the obligation of registered unemployed to consent to "suitable jobs" with the "suitability" of a job to be badociated with the duration of unemployment: As and when months of unemployment rise, imposing on one accepting jobs with worse pay conditions In particular, the OAED's decision states that when unemployment has not elapsed for 12 months , the unemployed person is obliged " to agree to paid employment at least equal to 100% of the salary of his last job ". At the end of 12 months, the barrel falls to 90% of previous earnings, and after 18 months, it drops to 80%. The worst is the unemployed who have never worked or worked as " part-time employees ". They are required to "consent" to jobs whose incomes are at least equal to the statutory thresholds . "

It is also expected that the registered unemployed person must" active work " while this" active search "includes the contact of the unemployed with a" private employment agency " These are the offices that employees and businesses call "modern slavery" as they act as "middlemen" and "hire" employees in the business, advertising the "great flexibility" that they offer to their customers, while reducing their "cost." Workers through slavery work under constant uncertainty, sometimes one day a month and sometimes seven days a week, their rights being in the hands of employers and unemployment waiting for them in the corner

unemployed with the "work counselor" for the formation of an "individual action plan" is also one of the obligations. "Plan" may include participation in programs counseling, training, work experience and "updating" in the case of 18 months without the unemployed being able to find a job

"Penalties" leading to reduced benefits [19659003] The definition of a series of "obligations" and "tasks" of the unemployed goes in the direction of the introduction and imposition of "penalties", by which the OAED will be used more as a mechanism to reduce benefits and benefits.

is what is envisaged for unemployed beneficiaries of the "social solidarity income" (CRL). In addition to the granting of financial badistance and certain social benefits, the inclusion in the OCC includes " activation services " beneficiaries for their integration or reintegration into the labor market ", such as

The unemployed beneficiaries of the OCC, as provided for in the joint ministerial decision, are required to visit whenever 39, they are called "OAED services," to cooperate & # 39; to accept any suitable employment proposed and & # 39; to participate in any promotional work such as vocational training, counseling and entrepreneurship .

The refusal to fulfill these "obligations" results in the cessation of the payment of their income support "for the full application of the foregoing, to As of August 1, 2018, all unemployed beneficiaries of the OCC must register with the OAED

A Legal Framework for the Protection of the Unemployed and Their Families

Against (19659023 ) Increase in unemployment benefit to 600 euros, in the case of the unemployed and their families:

  • Direct coverage and subsidy of all unemployed during the duration of unemployment
  • that is 80% the minimum salary of 751 euros, claiming the clbad movement.
  • The period of pensionable unemployment recognized as a free service for the unemployed.
  • As long as unemployment, the unemployed and the members of their families receive free and comprehensive medical care, without conditions
  • Rent allowance for unemployment, food
  • Free movement of all unemployed in all public transport
  • No interruption of electricity, water, electricity fixed telephone, school, health care, public network heating for the unemployed and low-income workers. to know if Argos, unpaid workers. Suspension of any obligation to banks and the state. Suppression of interest-bearing debts
  • Abolition of all provisions providing for the increase of the dismissal threshold and the reduction of compensation (Law 3899/2010, Law 4093/2012)
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