The deadline for tax returns expires in 6 days. After the fines – SKAI (


Prokopis Hatzinikolaou –


The 800,000 taxpayers who have not yet submitted the

] The electronic taxisnet system "closes" on July 26 and those who fail or fail to submit their tax return will be fined from 100 to 500 euro.

In particular, a fine of 100 euros will be paid by natural persons (employees and pensioners) whether they are obliged to pay or not, 250 euros for debtors and debtors and 500 euros for double companies. Entrance.

According to data from the Independent Public Revenue Authority, 87.5% have been submitted so far, that is, that there are still about 800 000 returns for complete the process.
According to statistics up to 20 I 4,603,597 statements were made, the state accounting for 2.1 billion euros

Processing these returns it follows that:

• Four in ten taxpayers will pay the income tax earned in 2017, an average of 1,130 euros. In particular, for 2 172 986 statements, the result of the liquidation is debtor with the total amount of the tax amounting to 2.45 billion euros. Taxpayers with a debit note are required to pay the tax in three equal binomial installments, the first of which expires on July 31, the second on September 28 and the third on November 30. In addition to the income tax, the special solidarity tax, the business tax, the anticipated tax for the following year and the business tax, as the case may be, are incorporated.

• 47.53% of taxpayers do not pay additional tax to the Greek state. Of a total of 5,483,597 compensated income tax returns, 2,606,441 are void

• For 12.84% of taxpayers or 702,170 taxpayers, there was a tax refund of a certain amount. average of 414 euros. In total, the amount to be reimbursed or compensated by the state with the debts of other taxpayers amounts to 291.6 million euros.

It should be noted that many taxpayers before submitting their tax returns will have to go through the tax office.

In particular, taxpayers who have reached the age of 18, those who have married or signed a cohabitation agreement and taxpayers who have not received any rent in 2017 will have to register their registers VAT.

] Young people who have reached their 18th birthday will need to obtain a tax registration number, those who are married will have to declare a conjugal relationship, those who have signed a cohabitation agreement will have to declare it in order to have the same tax treatment as

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