The investment of "Coca-Cola Hellenic" was completed in Schimatari | Businesses


In the presence of Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Stergios Pitsiorlas and Coca-Cola HBC group chairman, Anastasios David, Coca-Cola Hellenic announced the finalization of the investment of 24 million in Schimatari.

"In the new period that the country enters after the end of the memoranda, we have to think of examples of modern, competitive and extroverted production units – like the Schaefer mega-factory of Coca-Cola Hellenic – and how to remove all obstacles to economic activity it is developing seamlessly and is beneficial to all actors, "said Pitsiorlas in a brief greeting and continued:

" The business environment & Day by day and is becoming more user-friendly By the end of the year, there will be important initiatives in this direction Tomorrow, we will present the launch of the one-stop online service. Also, next week, we will introduce a bill to create an industrial park in the Inofyta region, while legislating to facilitate the creation of favorable multinational groups in Greece, which should create thousands of new jobs, "said Pitsiorlas.

For his part, Mr. David mentioned the significant investment that the Schimatari plant shows in one of the Group's mega-factories. "Even in times of crisis and challenges for the country, citizens and entrepreneurship we can and continue to invest in the development of our business in Greece for the benefit of our employees, consumers and all our badociates and customers We have invested 24 million euros in Schimatari Mega – Plant, which adds to the 57 million euros invested in the construction and construction in Greece of our IT support unit for 19 countries. . "[19659002DanslemêmetempsMDavidasoulignéque"Mega-PlantàSchimatarinouspermetdeproduireenGrèced'exporternosproduitsd'icià11paysetdesouteniractivementl'activitééconomiqueetledéveloppementdupaysNotrecoeurmentetfrappeenGrèceNosracinesnotrevisionetnosvaleursontcommencéicietcontinuentd'êtreunguidepourcequenousfaisonsdanslefutur"

Giannis Papachristou, CEO of Coca-Cola Hellenic, said:" the Mega-Plant Schimatari establishes new era of the growth of Coca-Cola Hellenic. A factory with 400 employees, which allows us to produce in Greece, export from Greece to 11 countries and support in practice the economic activity and development of the country. We support society and especially young people to find work and stay in our country. "

Lilian Nektariou, CEO of Coca-Cola for Greece, Cyprus, Malta, said:" This important investment in Schimatari gives us the confidence to implement Coca-Cola's strategic vision in Greece on our focused development on innovation and on the conditions that contribute to the development and improvement of the quality of life of the communities in which we operate and to the protection of the planet

It is noted that Schmattari Mega-Plant introduced a new business model, which allows the company to progress steadily in increasing its production and export dynamics. From there, more than 540 products are consumed by consumers in all circumstances, and with 17 production lines running 24 hours a day, 100% of the juice and 96% of soft drinks are produced

by Schimatari Mega-Plant exports 100% of its exports to 11 countries (Bulgaria, Germany, Switzerland, United States, Italy, Kosovo, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and the Czech Republic)

Percentage of Bulgaria's needs for Coca-Cola beverages and Sprite in an aluminum box

Finally, 75% of the volume of domestic sales are exchanged, new storage facilities extending to 30,000 square meters

Source: ΑΠΕ – ΜΠΕ

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