The primary surplus increased by 834 million in the first five months


Improved by 834 million euros is the primary surplus of the general government in the first five months, compared with the same period last year, according to the report of the Budget Office of the United States. State in the House

In the state budget, tax revenues increased by 393 million euros and revenues from the public investment program (PAE) of 355 million euros were raised by the state budget. euros

However, this decrease is offset by the reduction of privatization revenues included in the category of non-tax and extraordinary revenue [19659002] Α and all in terms of cash reduced privatization receipts have a significant impact on the financial, the effect is less. At the same time, tax allowances are significantly increased by 336 million euros

Expenditure on the state budget show a decrease of 689 million euros, the bulk of which (EUR 744 million) relates to interest expense, while primary expenditure from the ordinary budget is increased by EUR 16 million and EDP expenditure increased by EUR 39 million

. At the level of general government, legal entities have a reduced income of 324 million 103 million euros. The decline in revenues is mainly due to the reduction of transfers from the state budget of 343 million euros compared to the corresponding period of 2017.

Local authorities show revenues of 448 million euros. Euros and expenditure of 130 million euros, resulting in a surplus primary result and an increase of 315 million euros. The increase in turnover is mainly due to the increase in transfers on the budget of 405 million euros compared to the first half of 2017.

The funds from Insurance records an increase in revenues of 318 million euros and an increase in expenses of 574 million euros Finally, the decrease in the arrears of the general administration of 344 million in the first five months of 2018 compared to an increase of 248 million euros in the corresponding period of last year. , had a significant gain the ikoteri impact on the primary surplus this year.

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