The Sea: The commercial war is a reality


The trade war is a fact that the French Finance Minister, Bruno Lemmer, proclaimed in all respects, pointing out that the current policy of imposing individual tariffs on the American side is based on the "law of the jungle" ".

Negotiating a trade agreement with the United States if Washington does not first withdraw the tariffs it imposed on steel and aluminum imported to the United States. United States from Europe, Canada and Mexico, said Lemmer G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in Buenos Aires

The French Finance Minister also pointed out that There was no disagreement between France and Germany on how and when to start trade negotiations with the United States. They both agreed that Washington must take the first step by removing tariffs, he noted.

"This trade war will not be lost, it will destroy jobs and it will increase world growth, we call on the United States to think, to respect the multilateral rules and to respect its allies", said the French Minister of Finance , urging Washington to reconsider its attitude

. On the same wavelength, Brazilian Finance Minister Eduardo Garda pointed out that G20 finance ministers have agreed that rising trade tensions and the normalization of monetary policy in major economies are growing risks in the world. World Economy

Milton On the sidelines of the meeting held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Guardia pointed out that finance ministers and central bank governors discussed the need to promote reforms to protect their economies, by particularly in emerging economies that have seen their foreign exchange. with information from AMPE, Reuters, AFP

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