The Panhellenic Federation of Taxis and Agribusiness has announced its opening Thursday, November 8 from 4 am to 4 pm the same day.
At the same time, the president of the federation, Thimios Lyberopoulos, is appealing a demonstration in the courts of Evelpidon Street on the morning of the same day, during which the Beat mediator will be heard against the president. DSS. who had denounced the company for tax evasion.
PIEDIA calls for the immediate application of Law 4530/18 and Law 4446/16 and an action by the audit authorities to create, as it claims, conditions of healthy competition and the immediate suppression of Interception of the project by the operators () they do not have the right to fly, direct adaptation of all the intermediation companies to the national legal framework governing urban transport.
Source: RES-EAP
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