The third phase of the interconnection of the submarine cable Cyclades has been proclaimed


The call for tenders for the third phase of the Cyclades Interconnection was undertaken by IDMA, inviting the companies concerned to bid by 23 August.

The project, endowed with 115 million euros, provides for the submersion of a second submarine cable. Lavrion and Syros, strengthening the interconnection security and deconsolidation of islands autonomous production stations

The offer includes the study, supply and installation of underground cables and under -marines for the implementation of the 150kV Lavrio-Syros / II. After the submission of bids, their technical and financial evaluation will be followed, in order to sign the contract with the contractor for the construction of interconnect cable sections before the end of the year [19659002] "The 3rd phase of the Cycladic Interconnection, which will end in 2020. It has accelerated for two years compared to the timing we found during our recovery, reflecting the strategy This circuit ensures that the Cyclades supply will be routed to the continental system only under all operational conditions, "said Manous Manousakis, President and CEO of the company. l & # 39; Institute.

It is recalled that the construction of the first phase of the interconnection was completed recently


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