
Partly cloudy will be the weather tomorrow Friday (20 July 2018), according to the National Weather Service forecast, with temporary rainstorms in the area. afternoon at mainland mountain. North-West will blow winds 3 to 5 and local seas 6 Beaufort
Macedonia, Thrace
Weather: Mostly sunny. Mostly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms mostly in the mountains.
Winds: Northwest northwest 3 to 5 and gradual from afternoon variable 3 to 4 Beaufort
Temperature: 19 to 33 degrees Celsius. In West Macedonia 2 to 3 degrees lower
Ionian Islands, Epirus, West Sterea, Western Peloponnese
Weather: Generally sunny. (19659005) Winds: West northwest 3 to 5 and afternoon in the Ionian region 6 beaufort
Temperature: 20 to 20 degrees Celsius. In Epirus 2 with 3 degrees lower
Thessaly, Eastern Sterea, Euboea, Eastern Peloponnese
Weather: Mostly sunny. (19659005) Winds: Varies from 3 to 4 and temporarily in the northern morning until 5 Beaufort
Temperature: From 21 to 19 in the afternoon and l & # Afternoon with possibility of local rains in the mountains. 36 degrees Celsius
Cyclades, Crete
Weather: Mostly sunny.
Winds: North directions 3 to 5 Beaufort
Temperature: From 24 to 31 and in Crete to 33 degrees Celsius
Winds: East-sea islands Aegean, Dodecanese
Weather: Mostly sunny.
Temperature: 23 to 32 degrees Celsius
Winds: Winds: Northwest North 4 to 5 and local to south 6 Beaufort. Weather: Mostly sunny. Winds: North northwest 3 to 5 and gradually from afternoon variable north to 5 beaufort
northwest 3 to 5 and gradually from the after -midi variable 3 to 4 and temporarily in the morning north to 5 beaufort
] Temperature: From 23 to 34 degrees Celsius. At the edge of the sea the maximum of 2 to 3 degrees lower.
Weather: General atrium. (19659005) Winds: Northwest 4 to 5 and gradually variable afternoon from 3 to 4 Beaufort
Temperature: From 23 to 40 degrees Celsius
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