Theodorakis: We will not become the "Burns" of SYRIZA POLITICS


"I want to relieve Mr. Gammen of his constant anxiety and we will not become SYRIZA's" BRIDGES "at the beginning of his speech to Parliament by Potamos leader Stavros Theodorakis

" He can continue extraordinary journeys to the people. We have other plans, other authorities, "continues Theodorakis

. The Potamos leader also referred to the referendum three years ago, stressing: "The referendum was a step back, a dangerous adventure. A question that was not a question and an answer that was not an answer. The country was saved from sudden death by the efforts made the next day at the Presidential Palace. "

" You must recognize, Tsipe, the contribution of the political leaders who, on July 6, 2015, supported your transition to the European reality. And if you say a great excuse for your tragic decisions in the first half of 2015, "Theodorakis said.

The Potamio leader went on to say that" we would expect today to have a controversy over the entire emergency. However, the House was transformed, with the responsibility of the Prime Minister, into a pre-election balcony. We all take our ancestry for our politicians. "

" The worst that can happen in our society is getting out of memory without understanding why we came in. "The country needs a policy of liberal principles, reformist dynamics and modern perceptions, with a sensitivity to those who can not and strictly to the other."

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The solution is one: new minds that will not be eroded by the old way of thinking. New minds, without dependencies. New minds with experience in normal life. The solution is big changes everywhere. Without fear, but pbadionately, "concluded Theodorakis.

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