They punished PPC employees and elderly people ripped off


They claimed to be CPP employees and made thefts in seniors' homes. The reason why members of an organized group operating in northern Greece and two of its members was arrested during a police operation in Imathia.

The two arrested, aged 58 and 48, and their accomplices, four men and two women, are accused of forming a gang that was stolen from the elderly from the end of March 2018 to mid-May. Their total prey is estimated at 80,000 euros.

Members of the Band

Band members made electrical damage or other excuses and entered the homes of the elderly in the areas of Pieria, Serres, Kozani and Halkidiki. There, they kidnapped money and jewels by claiming CPP employees or police officers or employees of the municipality.

In some cases, they removed money or jewelry without being spotted, and in other cases, they managed to persuade the elderly to put them in their custody.

According to the police investigation, members of gangs ten robberies and scams against the elderly by deducting a total amount of more than 74,000 euros and jewelry worth 8,500 euros, according to the victims.

They are also involved in three attempts at fraud and theft of retirement homes. Kavala, Kozani and Pieria regions.

In the file formed for gang formation, robberies and frauds, all six arrested are included. Police investigations continue to find their possible involvement in similar crimes.

Hellenic police to prevent deception of citizens

On the occasion of the investigation of the theft committed against the elderly in the north of Greece and to prevent such incidents , EL.AS. publishes tips to avoid misleading citizens and recommends:

– Be particularly skeptical of strangers trying to enter your home with various pretensions and tricks

– Do not be convinced by strangers who appear as public service employees or other body to repair a technical problem if you have not already been called

– Do not be easily convinced by people who 'approach' you as familiar relatives – friendly people. The same can be done over the phone. For the same reason, do not give in to the prompts for a meeting (appointments, etc.).

In cases where strangers cite the urgent need for your knowledge, always try to communicate by telephone with your close relatives, for confirm what they are saying. Communicate on your own phone and on your own and do not agree to speak with someone called by strangers.

– In any case, declare that you will not deliver money unless

– Do not accept that unknown persons will bring you to a Credit or other an ATM to withdraw money.

– Do not easily enter into casual purchases of products offered by strangers, especially without to see these products first

– Do not be trustworthy when strangers ask you to pay debts of known or badimilated persons in public services or in shops – companies for the purchase of goods – offer of services

their practical employees go to the house or in public places and ask the citizens to pay for their services.

Always keep the phone numbers at your disposal, which you should contact

Try to keep the characteristics of the authors and vehicles with which they circulate (registration number, vehicle mark, color, etc.). ), as well as the vehicles with which they travel (police, fire, hospitals, relatives, etc.) to help police authorities

Always keep the police authorities informed, even in case of attempted fraud against you.

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