They sang at the Macedonian parade of Xakoustos and were expelled


Will have been caused by his decision 1st general high school of gerakas to expel the students, because during the parade of Sunday, October 28, they sang "Makedonia Xakouste".

In particular, six students The Gerakas were expelled for their behavior during the parade on October 28 when they were separated from the parade to shout for special forces and sing the Macedonian march of Xakoust.

According to local media,, there has been a dispute in recent days when students from the 1st and 2nd GERAKA asked teachers to sing the song, but they refused.

The result was to punish six students of GER's first Gerakas, justifying their abandonment of the parade formation. Indeed, in the morning of Thursday 1/11 in the morning, the clbadmates of the expellees entered the occupation, protesting against the punishment of their clbadmates.

The issue is of great concern to the local community, but the badociation of parents and guardians of the school and the DIDE of Eastern Attica have not been placed at once.

The incident also reacted Adonis Georgiades In an informative morning broadcast, commenting: "On the one hand, we have a SYRIZA that wants to protect children and put them to rest, and we are faced with miscarriages, I will ask a question in the House on Monday. Teaching about it, put it in. Here, SYRIZA told us that children can not be expelled if they make hashish. "

Lessons from GER GERKA 1st students for Macedonia and Cyprus

What students answer

At the same time, the absolute certainty that nothing has been done, underlines the students of the 1st General High School of Gerakas and their clbadmates who support them, about the sentence that was inflicted on them for singing "Macedonia famous "on the birthday of October 28th.

Speaking on, a student spokesman made it clear that he wished to sing singing this song in particular "without insulting any nationality, no people, without representing certain parties or We have clearly represented ourselves as Greeks and high school students ".

"I do not consider the sentence we have been given because nobody agrees with it, not the students, the parents' club, or the mayor of the region," he added.

"We wanted years to do that … we were driving, but some teachers, except two, urged us to do it.This year we are in the last year (3rd year), we are more sedentary, we know this that we want, we know our "convictions", he added to conclude:

"Macedonian is a major problem of the time, as … our patriots express and we wanted to express our opinion during a parade in which we did not represent the 1st GEL but our homeland of Greece and we honor the ancestors who did what they did for us.

A proud response from students of the 1st GEL Gerakas

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