They vandalized the Jewish monument on the campus of the Aristotelian University


The monument was erected on the campus of the Aristotelian University near the Central Library, in memory of the old Jewish cemetery destroyed in 1942.

As the RES reports, unknown people threw blue paints in the monument and wrote slogans [19659002] The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) condemns, in a statement, the desecration of the monument of the Jewish cemetery of Campus, stressing that "religious fanaticism and intolerance do not Offers no solutions but the problem. "

" The solutions offered by education and education "are underlined in the announcement, according to which the damage was immediately restored [19659002]  306784 [19659002] "Today, unknown people have defamed the Jewish cemetery monument on the campus of AUTh University." We immediately reinstated the damage and sentenced him to death. 39, unacceptable act, "he added "We will continue to seek a better education and a more tolerant society. "

" The profane committing evil deeds and disasters of the Jewish Monument of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki They have no place in our city and in our society ", said the Administrative Council of New Democracy of Thessaloniki in a statement

"Let everyone stop throwing oil into the fire of nationalism and intolerance. Let us stop everyone, each in his own way, to offend the patriotism, faith and pride of the inhabitants of Thessaloniki ", concludes the announcement.

The" disarray "is expressed by the administration of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, on the occasion of the desecration – for the second time in two weeks – of the Holocaust Monument, on the campus of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki


"The debauchery of the Monument reminds us that the university itself was built on in the uprooted cemetery of our Jewish fellow citizens is a major insult not only in memory of our Jewish fellow citizens lost in the Holocaust, but also to the collective memory and history of the city, "said the administration in a statement. The racist violence that has led the hand of the author is inappropriate in Thessaloniki, the city that will host the Holocaust Museum as a world reference monument against racism. They are also uncomfortable with the city which attracts visitors from around the world, a tourist destination because of its rich history and multicultural character. "

In conclusion, he emphasizes that polarization dominates the central political scene and a country in recent years, for foreign policy issues that occupy the public agenda, armed extremists and outsiders who have Opportunity to harm democracy itself, as well as an open and tolerant society. "Racism, intolerance, violence of all kinds, vandalism and insulting insults against everything else , the lack of tolerance and acceptance of the Other are elements that characterize the economic and social crisis that has harbaded the country for years. But they must not pbad, they must not be tolerated, the culprits must be found and punished, "he says.


"Another case of fascist aggression has come to add to the tense climate that has been created in recent weeks in Thessaloniki by extremist groups at the time. occasion of the Prespa Agreement, "says SYRIZA of Thessaloniki, about the vandalism of the monument to AUTH

" This time the so-called "patriots" Jewish Monument found "[SYN: (SYRIZA), Thessalonique] and condemns the desecration of the monument "considering as the greatest insult to our Jewish companions who died in the Nazi concentration camps."

"We declare that we will not tolerate any form of nationalistic intolerance, and we will not allow the return to the dark pages of history and we call the democratic world to react, "concludes the announcement.

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