This is the pedophile of Komotini – He is accused of excessive aggression against a minor (Photos)


The Hellenic police, the identity and photos of a 52-year-old man, who was arrested on July 11 in Komotini, received an advertisement for seducing a minor, in a row. The child has not reached the age of 12 years old.

This is the foreign Osman Aichan of Hussein and Fatme, who was born in 1966, to Komotini

This publication, which is valid until July 27, 2018, according to the Public Prosecutor, aims to protect the social community of the local community, especially minors, vulnerable or weak population groups, and to facilitate the State's demand for the repression of the above-mentioned offenses

In this context, citizens are Please contact Komotini Department of Security UV phones 25310-83238 and 25310-83223 to provide any relevant information. It is noted that the anonymity and confidentiality of the communication are guaranteed

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