Threats with a fictional doll! Video documentary with 55 years old loaded with babies


At the time of Ano Liossia, 55-year-old neighbors were accused of drawing babies in a shopping center in the southern suburbs.

As they told ANT1, they had made dozens of complaints, but the police were confined to the recommendations. This is the testimony of a woman who lived at the opposite of the age of 55 and who experienced serious problems when she gave birth. As she said, in the beginning, the 55-year-old boy mumbled and shot the baby from his balcony, but then approached the woman's house. Indeed, he had also caused damage!

In a video documentary projected in ANT1's central television news program, Kundu, 55, shows a rope doll with a rope tied to his neck and makes obscene gestures to the neighbors.

In Dromokaitio

Following a public psychiatric appraisal of the prosecution, the 55-year-old man indicted for bringing babies to shopping centers was transferred to Dromokaitia .

According to information, the Athens prosecutor's office yesterday gave a mandate to conduct a psychiatric expert report on the woman accused of unprovoked bodily injury and resistance to the principle. According to the same information, Dromokaitiou doctors estimated that the 55-year-old man needed to be hospitalized and, for this reason, they decided to imprison him.

At the expense of the 55-year-old man, he was prosecuted for unprovoked bodily harm offenses and resistance to the principle. According to the record, this woman ravished infants in a well-known mall in the southern suburbs and disappeared before the baby mothers took over.

On Thursday, the 55-year-old man appeared before the defamatory court composed of three members without a lawyer, and because of this, he requested an adjournment.

Adjournment in his trial

This development also caused the postponement of his trial for July 25, 2018. The court confirmed the request of the lawyer for the civil action of the three mothers who have declared a civil suit, the 55-year-old additional examinations to determine if she is suffering from an infectious disease.

Earlier in the day, a police officer told the judges of the Tribune des Tribunaux d'Athènes that the 55-year-old man had been hospitalized for Dromokaitio because the doctors had asked to stay 48 hours to watch it.

"I'm a mother, I did not do anything," said 55-year-old

According to the newspaper Espresso, the 55-year-old accused said an actor. In her presence yesterday in court, she denied the charges, saying that she is the same mother and adores the children.

" Please do not do anything. They blame me unfairly. They made me sick. I was going to shop. I sat down to eat and suddenly saw some coming on me. They even tore me up. They even hit me. The police were terrified. You see, I have been bruised in my hands and feet. I went to the hospital. I have children and a woman. I love children. I am ashamed of my position. I did not hurt an ant ".

The 55-year-old man spent the night at the Transit Detention Center. As reported by Espresso, her husband reportedly told the police that his wife had lost her father about a year ago and that she had been facing serious psychological problems since then.

What happened at the mall

The complaint about the incident in the mall was July 10 and caused a lot of problems to the parents. The complaint was made by the little mother and according to her an unknown woman approached her and wounded the baby on her feet.

According to the complaint, the unknown woman approached the mother who kissed her only two and a half months and injured her. The baby's mother did not immediately understand what happened only when the baby started to cry as his legs were bloody.

He was shocked and told security officers at the mall. The photos of baby's legs went to social media.

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