Thriller with the number of dead and missing


After six days of investigation, the government and the competent firefighting authorities are unable to give clear answers to the scale of the tragedy. Ongoing firefighter announcements – now under pressure from public opinion – add to the number of victims of Mati's tragedy

For the first time, firefighters announce the number of missing persons. According to the representative of the fire department, Stavroula Malki, the missing rise to 25.

However, for the first time today, the announcement Firefighting does not refer to a number of dead that she does not specify! Service officers count the dead at 88, but the official figures seem to exacerbate the confusion and agony of the family

What is the data:

Firefighters were warned by the families of the dead and Missing people that they are wanted 84 people

The Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Greek Police has so far identified 59 people. Therefore, according to the officers of the fire brigade, based on the 84 people searched, the number of missing persons is 25.

However, the thriller starts from the fact that there are 28 bags of deaths at the morgue

that because of the terrible conditions in which Mati's people died, the 28 bags of the morgue are not supposed to contain the bodies of 28 people, because – as they say – it can be a body disintegrated by fire. with the result that the number of deaths is less than 28, ie 25, and those who are absent, but can even be 28 … that's because three deaths can belong to the same family that could have disappear because there is no one to look for them or other reasons, the family, for example, to explain the reasons that have not yet been sought by the family. In simple terms, on the basis of the official family quests, there are 84 deaths and missing persons as a whole. To these, four persons have been added to the previous days who have succumbed to their serious burns. Being hospitalized in intensive care units Hospitals Thus, the dead and the missing can be cumulative to the number of 88.

However, if the bag 28 found in the morgues is 28 different people, while the missing persons are 25 , then the number of dead and missing persons can reach 91 …

The horror list has not yet been completed with the names of 25 people searched by their families. Unfortunately, the dead can still increase the macabre list of deaths from deadly fire to Mati even more … And at the same time, the arms of the Fire Brigade, the Army, the EKAB, the Voluntary Organizations and the Red Cross continue to search for burns, an attempt to ensure that there are no other victims in areas that have not yet done so the subject of an investigation.

Watch the video with statements by the firefighter's representative on the number of missing persons:

 Official Notice on Missing Persons

Read the first announcement published by firefighters on Sunday evening:


Due to the alarming effect of the initial announcement of firefighters on the number of deaths and missing persons, a communication approved by House leaders and politicians from the Ministry of the Interior. public order, the government was obliged to pursue a new corrective announcement on the number of certified deaths and missing persons …


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