Trikala responds and suggests …


This position was typical of all spokespersons who spoke at a press conference scheduled yesterday at Trikala City Hall. The rally was scheduled for tomorrow Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:30 in the central square of Iroon Polytechniou, with the aim "to abolish injustice", as has been repeatedly emphasized by the present [19659002] The press conference focused on the consultation plan of the new University of Thessaly, which gives SEFA in Trikala, only two departments: the Department of Dietetics and the Department of Dietetics. At the same time, the distribution of the other departments in the other cities of Thessaly and St. Greece concerns a larger number. And as pointed out the host, the mayor of Trikkaion, Mr. Dimitris Papastergiou, the "criteria" were closely intangible ", while" Trikala was still in this part "

." Papastergianou has stated that this practice of sharing schools with these criteria, but stressed that "from the moment he does it (the committee responsible), let him do it equitably.We ask nothing more than ours," but emphasizing that from other "cities boil." He stressed that the message must be strong for the Ministry of Education, he stressed that there was no opposition to Government deputies and that "we ask what we belong to the prefecture of the best treatment."


Municipality of Trikkaion and is the basis of the discussion, concerns the following claims:

– The change of name from SEFA of Trikala to "International School of Education" physical ion and quality of life "

1. The transfer of Karditsa's dietetic and dietetic undergraduate program to Trikala and its operation in the premises of the new TEFA in Trikala, under the name "Department of Consumption, Nutrition and Dietetics"

2. The administrative integration or even the complete transfer of the Department of Food Science from Karditsa to Trikala, its integration into the new SEFA and its operation in the field of Patronage "Poulios"

3. The administrative integration of the Department of Physical Therapy (Lamia) in the new SEFA, as proposed in your existing ministerial proposal

4. The retention and strengthening of the Department of Civil Engineering by turning it into a Department of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences and badociating it with the growing sector of biomedicine, which is also included in the academic development strategy of the Department of Civil Engineering. University of Thessaly

5. The creation and operation of the Department of Culture and Creative Industries proposed in Trikala instead of Volos

6. The establishment of a new department of biomechanical engineering and its integration into the new SEFA. The science of biomechanics is modern and incorporates:

Α) Kinesiology and the function of the human body. This theme has relevance, synergy and direct application with military kinesiology and will therefore develop a close relationship with the School of Permanent Subcommittees (THM) of Trikala

B) Robotics, Human Dynamics and health equipment in general, for example, robotic diagnostics, surgical and portable devices). In particular, this modern trend is in line with Trikala municipality's proven and recognized efforts for smart city and educational robotics in schools, as well as with modern trends in the science of education. physical

. The creation of a Department of International and European Studies, which is not planned in the current design of the new University of Thessaly, but which is extremely attractive and consistent with the internationalization of Trikala and the necessary internationalization of the new University of Thessaly

8. The creation of a research institute in Trikala on a topic related to digital technologies can be titled: Institute for Research on Urban Innovation, Kinesiology and Sustainability

9. Establishment of a research institute in agribusiness and biotechnology. This institute will be staffed by young scientists from the region and, in addition to its pure research project, will also provide services to the agri-food sector in the Thessaly region.

10. Maintenance of the existing postdoctoral program in architecture and structural rehabilitation of historic buildings and complexes in Trikala, as part of the Bioeconomy and Environment Department project

11. The functioning of the Department of Tourist Enterprises – if any – in Trikala

12. Establish two-year study programs in the following thematic areas:

1. Information Technology, Urban Innovation and Smart Cities

2. Tourist Professions

3. Cheese, distillery and medicinal herbs

According to the proposal, Trikala will have:

1. One (1) School of Physical Education and Quality of Life with a Globalized Character

2. Six (6) departments that will operate in Trikala (with a forecast for the 7th, that of the Tourist Enterprises Administration if its future location and operation is considered appropriate). Three (3) of them are new courses offered, which deserve to be awarded. to be examined as they will give impetus to the new University of Thessaly

3. One (1) department which will be administratively owned by the new Sephora, based in Trikala and operating in Lamia

4. One (1) department which will be administratively owned by the new CHPFA, based in Trikala and operating in Karditsa (or its complete transfer to Trikala)

5. Two (2) Research Institutes

6. Three (3) two-year degree programs

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