Trikala: With a rhythm and a lot of people the gathering for Skopje (photo, video)


More than 1,000 people, from the center of Trikala, stormed Wednesday evening in favor of the Hellenic Republic of Macedonia and against the Prespa Agreement, in the rally organized and attended by dozens of people. Associations and organizations in the region. The main speaker of the gathering was the publisher Savvas Kalenteridis, who spoke with historical facts and facts that leave no room for questioning the Greek of Macedonia

As written, the central square of the city and the road to a central pedestrian bridge was flooded by people who sang "Famous Macedonia" and shouted slogans about Macedonia and the agreement on the Macedonian nomenclature

two metropolitans of Trikala Prefecture, Trikkis & Stogi Chrysostomos and Stagion & Meteora Theoklitos spoke with a touching tone of the struggles of the nation and the Church, while Trikkis Chrysostomos called people immediately after the vigil [19659004] Stag & Meteora Theoklitos spoke of "treason" and "ink of sin". (19659006) (19659006) (19659006) (19659006) (19659006) (Function () {
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