Truck drivers asked for flexibility in their schedule


Responding to the deputy of SYRIZA who accused ND of voting in favor of circumventing the eighth

"Nonsense" characterizes the statements of the SYRIZA MEP Stelios Kouloglou that the New Democrats have consented in the eighth truck drivers. K. Kouloglou, with his post, accused ND who, along with Chrisi Avgi, also voted in favor of the abolition of eight hours of daily and weekly work 48 hours. "The far right of Mr Mitsotakis extends to social and labor rights." The New Democracy President seems to be following the far-right Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, who has asked for 12 hours of work ", noted the MEP from SYRIZA.

In response, ND said in a statement: The proposal of the Federation of Motorized Vehicles of Greece (ΟΦΑΕ) for driving hours is to give more flexibility to motorists to manage their hours, always ensuring road safety, their physical integrity, but also the good condition of their vehicle, which is for them a unique professional tool and livelihood. Especially for regional countries like Greece, the regulation adopted by the European Parliament is very important as it will ensure socially equitable working conditions, allowing them to return to their home base of neighboring countries abroad. At the same time, this arrangement helps Greek motorists against their competitors in Germany, Austria and other countries of Central Europe. At the same time, it is ensured that, if the eight-hour hours are exceeded, drivers are compensated for a longer weekly rest in their homes with their families. OSCE urged Greek MEPs to vote in favor of the proposal

For this reason, New Democracy MPs voted in favor of this article which gives flexibility, thus satisfying the demand of Greek motorists . Apparently, Mr Kouloglou and SYRIZA would have preferred to vote against the amendment to the flexibility that supports the interests of German and Austrian drivers …

The ND circles point out that Mr Kouloglou made this statement without having read the requests from Greek truck drivers, but also the directive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling on MEPs to support these demands


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