Tsakalotos: In the microscope of the Ministry of Economy and Finance surpluses – Economy


Greece can refinance its debt after relief, said the finance minister, noting that the issue of primary surpluses will be revisited.

In the face of next week 's meetings with investors in New York and Boston, Tsakalotos told Reuters that the debt deal offers an investor – friendly corridor "that he' s sure he 's about. act from a 10-year bond or foreign By asking if Greece will need a new debt relief to maintain its market access and serve its long-term debt, as stated IMF last week, Mr Tsakalotos said it was too early for long-term appreciation

The promise of the eurozone finance ministers in 2017 to reconsider the issue and make it more if necessary is an additional safety net, he said.

"As things stand, with a serious government"

He added that the government's goal is to manage the debt not only through relief measures but also through policies to develop oppement and reforms such as improving the business environment, climate and climate consolidation of the public sector. As he said, Athens has exceeded its budget target. But it is committed to achieving a primary surplus of 3.5% of GDP by 2022 and 2.2% of GDP between 2023 and 2060, which the IMF has identified as "very ambitious" and "extremely high".

"If you ask me as an economist, the primary surplus is very high," he said, "if you ask me as an economist, the primary surplus is very high," he said. "European economies in general have a framework that places a strong emphasis on fiscal discipline."

"The Greek government will examine it and finance ministers too, to see if the IMF's opinion is right, and if there is a problem with its sustainability (long-term surplus objective) "

The government still estimates the target exceeded by 3.5% this year and the distribution of the social dividend. At the end of July, the ministerial group will present its proposals on the allocation of excess supply.

However, when asked to reduce taxes, he felt that burden-sharing needed to be reconsidered.

"The real problem in Greece is who pays these taxes, we focus on it, so I said we could think about reducing social security contributions by raising the minimum wage. (19659014 ) window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred ()? ", he said, adding that there are clearly a lot of self-employed and small businesses affected by the tax hikes and contributions # 39; insurance.

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