Tsipras and Mitsotakis are mutually accused of interrelations


In a heated confrontation between the Prime Minister and the leader of the main opposition with inter-divisional arguments about interdependence, debate continues in the House

Prime Minister, responding to criticism Severe criticism of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, says: ND criticism At the same time, he said that with the June 21 Eurogroup agreement, the Greek debt was finally viable

"We let's access markets at no cost to the primary surpluses – the economy, banks, insurance funds, hospitals and micro-bailiffs, as was the case for the famous PSI, "he said. the Prime Minister

You agree with Orbán Mitsotakis

in the attitude of the leader of the main opposition in the pre fygiko, the prime minister accused identification with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Orban and the most extreme anti-European proposal, and who does not hear even the moderate voices within the European People's Party. "You can not inwardly express Kurtz's policy and tell European solutions abroad," said Tsipras

"You are the definition of the term intertwining"

In response to his objections President of the ND that the Prime Minister himself is behind personal attacks on himself and his wife, Mr. Tsipras said: "Let's finish with this anecdote." Stop Mr. Mitsotakis by portraying you as a victim allegedly malevolent publications with Maxximus Orchestra: mercy loosens this sweet.we are so interested in your personal life, but you are a public person like me.You pretend to become prime minister, i have become.Im if i refused to introduce you to the place where you were interested in my husband's activities, that would write all the papagalas? Imagine having such problems open.It is in. Why do I tell you to leave Mr. Mitsotakis? You are defining the term intertwining in modern political history. You ask me not to comment on your husband's affairs, but you commented on my husband's feelings in 2015. "

 Tsipras: If you have details about me or my family, I you challenge to go to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Mitsotakis: You Are Merciless and deeply Intertwined

Alexis Tsipras responded to the objections of Kyriacos Mitsotakis, who called him to his "ruthless and deeply intertwined" meet specific arguments

Mr. Tsipras recalled the era of "cat of the Himalayas" (a meeting with St. Psycharis) and stressed: "The question crucial is not whether you meet entrepreneurs, the crucial question is whether they meet them "

" That made my government to everyone you mentioned earlier ? He does not have the Ethnos newspaper because he has not been granted the loans and I have recently learned that his business has lost the upper hand over the other badociates -That does this soul? He no longer has the DOL, not the strongest face of all governments since the Simitis period and then for the very reason that he has not been lent. And since I learn that he lost his property at auction

Marinakis m 'actually met, but on my government he did not escape to pursue him for the escapades that he has with his chores. Why Mitsotaki? Because as long as it goes through our hands and we are the government, all Greek citizens will be equal to the law.

You can claim that you and the government you served, you can claim that it did not serve the interests of Siemens and M. ] Christophorou . You can claim the same for Frozi and Novartis that they did not help your government maintain the high prices of pharmaceuticals

. Mr Marinakis, you have come to a topical question from Nea Demokratia, that you are so attached to yourself that if the leader of the new Republic were to strike the interests of the economic leader. Whatever you say, you can not convince for the simple reason that we are not all the same and it seems like that. We have another route of another valuable freight and do not try to make such comparisons because it will not come to you well.

"You become nationally dangerous"

In reference to the post of chief of the main opposition to the refugee, the prime minister accused him of having identified himself with the Hungarian prime minister, Orban and the most extreme anti-European proposal, and that he does not even hear the modest voices within the European People's Party. "You can not express Kurtz's policy internally and tell European solutions abroad," Tsipras said.

"With your extreme frenzy, you become nationally dangerous," said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, addressing his president. New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis

 Tsipras to Mitsotakis: There is no recognition of a Macedonian nation. There is only the question of citizenship

We have not recognized the "Macedonian nation"

With regard to the agreement from Prespa, Tsipras accused Kyriakos Mitsotakis of misinforming the Greek people makedomachos to save his feast.

"The international press and Europe know that you have become a late Macedonian since you do not need to break the party of those who built a political career on this issue from 1992 onwards. In trying to convince you that it is not the best deal, it is at the expense of national interests that it is the worst that has fallen on the table for our relations with our neighbors, insist each day on distortions and lies.For the language, you know very well that from 77, our country has been recognized as a fait accompli.But where you do the worst of cheating is the issue of nation, you know very well that nowhere in the case is there any recognition of a Macedonian nation.There is only the question of citizenship C & # 39; a disgrace to disregard the Greek people, distort and say that we have recognized a Macedonian nation The Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister of the neighboring country admit that they are Slavs and have no connection with the tradition and history of Greek Macedonia. This is most important that they do not come from Macedonia and its heritage and that they do not claim and can not claim and have claims regarding minorities in Greece. In your interview with the political reporter that you have not put in the Greek text, you speak as the leader of the main opposition to the separatist forces in Greek Macedonia. What are these separatist powers, do we recognize such forces in our country? "

Alexis Tsipras also interviewed Kyriakos Mitsotakis on January 17, 1993, in the" E "of Eleftherotypia, titled" E No Mega Theme of Macedonia. "He noted that at that time, Mr. Mitsotakis defended a national position, which was also that of Konstantinos Mitsotakis

"Jampa Muggas"

In addition, Mr. Tsipras called ND's chairman of "" On the amendment filed on pension cuts

He marked "amendment" because it is a "hole in the water", adding that it is "the incarnation of ridicule and the cynicism "Mitsotakis

He also pointed out that pensioners are not mice to enter the" hole ""

We are proud of the referendum

The Prime Minister echoed the objections of M Mitsotakis in the referendum of 2015. "We are deeply proud of his attitude Greek people in the referendum. and is recorded as light and power in the history of the Greek people, "he said, adding," When you blackmail to "yes" we shout "no". Shouting "Soble wisdom" we fought for resistance to blackmail. Do not forget that the Greek people voted in September and that verdict sent you to the opposition benches. We honor this verdict of the Greek people in the referendum, we would not have realized what we have accomplished. "

Mitsotakis: after Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis and went in the counter-attack

On the debt issue Mr. Mitsotakis said:" Welcoming any intervention in the debt, necessary but not able to develop the economy as you have done. Debt sustainability is related to the growth rate of the economy. If the trend that existed in 2014 continued, the GDP of today would have been 217 billion euros and 183 billion today, you have lost 34 billion euros. per year with your chips. "

But he also referred to private debt by accusing the government that he received private debt at $ 85 billion and today it is $ 131 billion because of the overtaking and extinction of the middle clbad

"You were dancing with goldsmiths in the Constitution"

In response to Alexis Tsipras for the referendum said: "You are proud of referendum, while the pitfalls were closed We just told you what you did in the referendum, but that did not escape you that after the referendum and the closing of the banks, it took a third recapitalization , you have destroyed by referendum a Greek taxpayer of about 25 billion euros and you have danced

While accusing the Prime Minister of defrauding all the opposition leaders to the summer of 2015, telling them that he would not be el u, and after 40 days he made elections

Retired cheats 6]

He referred to pensions saying that Mr. Tsipras promised the 13th and 14th pensions and cheated retirees. For the question that was raised with Mr. Moskovisy, he asked "there is a program or there is no program". He replied to the Editor's Diary, saying: "Mr. Sölz, the German Finance Minister after our meeting, considered it appropriate not to inform the German press but the Journal of Publishers and Mr. Karteros," he added.

million. Mitsotakis spoke of Skopje and asked: "Has Macedonian nationality been recognized or not? What does Mr. Zafe say? The nationality in Greek translates into a nationality. The agreement on page 2 indicates nationality. Zaev's campaign is based on the argument that "we have received from Greece what we have always wanted, language and ethnicity. The agreement says nationality, which is ethnicity. Citizenship is citizenship. Learn a little English. Ask Mr. Zaev, his campaign is based on the fact that he took language and ethnicity. "

In response to Mr. Tsipras on the Southwest Program, he stressed:" You have submitted a program of the ND. – A fiction of your own imagination. You came here and you said I wanted to go there in 12 hours. You would have liked to tell me. What trouble do you put in my mouth things I did not say? "

" It's Crazy to Beat My Husband "

Mr. Mitsotakis spoke personally:" The publishing groups identified with Maximus targeted my husband and we did not find him. " we were not in a dimension, "he said, adding:" Originally, the committee decided that we could table a different file and then change its decision. As a result of the publications and the lawsuit filed, my tax audit was done to my spouse, then there was no tax pending and the case was filed. On the issue of interlacing, he said he has no particular relationship with Novartis CEO Constantin Frouzis, while he accused the Prime Minister of his relations with the man from Kalogritza business. (19659004) Tsipras: If you have information about me or about you, I can tell you about your family's loans. my family I challenge you to go to the Prosecutor In response to his torture, Alexis Tsipras no longer referred to the relations with entrepreneurs, saying that he had it covered in his apologies [19659003HoweverherepliedtothecluethatKyriakosMitsotakishadleftforhisfamily" on questions known to the general public, and I did not pour mud on the fan, said Mitsotakis for my family, where he searched, what methods did he use?" he responded to objections to government plans. Kalogritza. "For Kalogritza said that we gave him the works.What works we gave him.Not participated? You did not participate in the competition? The mud again in the fan threw To elements I challenge him if there is any evidence that concerns me, my family or some ministers, to go to the prosecutor Foreigner speaks

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