Turkish News: Up to 2 years in prison for Greek soldiers "see" judges – Politics


The Turks continue to pull the rope even further, despite the expectations that have been created for the immediate release of the two Greek soldiers who have been in Adrianople's prison for 140 days
The judge who reviewed and refused yesterday the fifth application for release has threatened to imprison them for at least two years, which is a cause for great concern for new developments
With Ankara giving the "line" to justice for not making any retreat until Eastern "bazaars" are made, Turkish judges have now decided not to release both.
Mitretotis and Kouklatzis, although not officially charged, run the risk of a term of imprisonment for at least two years as they accuse them of illegally entering a military zone with l 39; additional aggression that they are military and should not lose their focus


Their sentence could reach two years if Ankara continues to break off relations with Greece. This is because similar incidents of Turkish soldiers entering Greek territory were treated as a "common event" and resolved in a few hours
The prosecutor of the case, in his statement, spoke of "a strong suspicion of the crime of entering a prohibited military zone". He called for further examination of the crowds of the two Greek soldiers. And this can not be ruled out to change the charge against Mitroetide and Koutlatzis. "

According to the Turkish prosecutor, the border violation was committed by soldiers who should have any knowledge of the course in the region, it increases the likelihood of committing crime." Due to the fact that the minimum sentence for this crime is at least two years old, it is now appropriate to continue their detention, "said the prosecutor.

It was also held in the fact that the two Greeks military (despite the actions of the Greek side) do not have a permanent residence in Turkey. "Due to the fact that there is no permanent residence in Turkey, and that they are citizens of Turkey. a foreign country, there are reasonable grounds for their escape, "he said.

Although during a recent meeting with Tayyip Erdogan, Alexis Tsipras seems more optimistic, however, if all what follows from Turkey is true, it seems that the development will not be good.

New wee k-ends "who said that they were afraid of their prolonged detention. The pleasure is that the scenario of espionage seems to be abandoned, but everything will be tried when the judicial authorities decide to bring charges against the two Greeks

The deposit

"I had no intention of committing an offense," said Angelos Mitrotodis in the Turkish court of Adrianople, while Dimitris Kouklatzis said: "I repeat the same statement I n & # 39; I have nothing to say. "

These are the testimonies of two Greek soldiers detained for four months in the Turkish prisons of Adrianople, accused of having entered an illegal military zone illegally

. However, the Turkish prosecutor argued that there was "a strong suspicion of the crime of entry into a prohibited military zone" and called for further examination of the relevant digital material, noting that the fact that "the border crossing was the customers who should have the least knowledge of the course in the area increase the likelihood of committing the crime. "

According to Skay's report, the Turkish prosecutor also stated that" because the threshold of punishment provided for a specific crime is at least two years, it is now appropriate to continue their detention.

Finally, despite the actions of the Greek party to declare the permanent residence of the two Greek soldiers in Turkey, the prosecutor with the question of "not having permanent residence in Turkey, besides being a stranger "And says" there are reasonable grounds to escape from it. "

However, today, the emergency regime is lifted in Turkey, those who are in prison without being accused, as in the case of the two Greek soldiers, can not be detained


Moreover, a meeting with the two Greek soldiers was held Monday by the head of the delegation of the European Union in Turkey, Ambbadador Christian Berger
The ambbadador then contacted MEP Manolis Kefaloyiannis and informed him that after repeated attempts of several weeks he managed to obtain permission from the Turkish authorities to visit them in the prisons. d & # 39; Adrianople. At the meeting, the ambbadador found that both soldiers were in pretty good shape. Mr Kefaloyiannis pointed out to him that the two servicemen are European citizens who guard Europe's borders and that European efforts and actions for their immediate release must be intensified.

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