Unauthorized damage to private vessels at the Sea of ​​Saint …


One yacht after the other

In particular yesterday afternoon, the private boat "THYTOUR" T. Syros 278 with four (04) foreign occupants was in a difficult position due to mechanical damage to the sea ​​outside the Marina of Agios Nikolaos

Immediately informed of the port authority of Agios Nikolaos and in the area of ​​the precipitated sailing ship LS-EL.AKT. with the aid of which "THYTOUR" was towed safely to the marina of Agios Nikolaos. The incident caused no injuries and no marine pollution, while the port authority of Agios Nikolaos prohibited to leave the ship before the damage was reinstated and the certificate of airworthiness established

. However, this is not the only incident yesterday afternoon, the port authority of St. Nicholas, as the Dutch flag "MY WAY" with two (02) foreign occupants was also in a difficult position in Due to mechanical damage to the sea area "AMMOUDARAS" Agios Nikolaos

Immediately in the area, he rushed to the lifeguard LS-EL.AKT. as well as the professional cruise ship "ROULA" LΑN. 1251 with the aid of which "MY WAY" was towed safely to the marina of Agios Nikolaos

The incident caused no injury and no marine pollution was observed , while from the port authority of Agios Nikolaos, the detention of the ship up to the restoration (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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