US-EU truce eases exit of QE from ECB | International economy


Mario Draghi avoided commenting on US President Donald Trump's accusations, via Twitter, that the European Union is manipulating its currency to unfairly gain a competitive advantage.

No change in monetary policy in the euro area was decided at the yesterday's meeting of the European Central Bank (ECB). President Mario Draghi welcomed the ceasefire reached in the EU's trade dispute. and the United States, after the Trab-Juncker meeting in Washington this afternoon. A six-year term after the ECB's commitment to do "all that was needed to save the euro", he confirmed that the pitch was appropriate to end the purchase program. Bonds by the end of the year. He added that the risk of the euro zone being in the US trade conflict

seems to be diminishing. "There is an intention to discuss the trade issues of all parties involved," said Dragy from Frankfurt. He refrained from commenting on US President Donald Trump's accusations, via Twitter, that the European Union is manipulating its currency to gain an unfair competitive advantage. Before the interview with Mr Draghi, the ECB had announced that interest rates would remain at current levels until at least the summer of 2019. In any case, as much as necessary to ensure sustainable inflation growth of less than 2% in the medium term

We must not forget that quantitative easing measures were adopted from the outset to avoid the risk of deflation that was visible until the end of the year. To three years ago. Then growth was sluggish in the eurozone, which was likely to be trapped in stagnant waters. Although inflation was 2% in June compared with 1.9% a month ago, growth was mainly fueled by rising prices for energy and food. The ECB is focusing more on structural inflation, which does not include the volatility of prices for energy, food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco. It rose only 0.9% in June

. In its announcement yesterday, the ECB also indicates that, according to data confirming the medium-term outlook for inflation, the monthly bond markets will decline after the end of September. 15 billion euros and will continue until the end of December. They will then stop. But the ECB will reinvest its existing post-maturity investments as long as necessary to maintain the existing liquidity in the financial system

In the brief press conference given by Mr Dragie – it only lasted 40 minutes – recalled that uncertainty continues to weigh on world trade, but that the dangers of economic growth are generally under control

On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Mr Dragis' commitment to use All means to save the euro, he said yesterday that the ECB today is a "very different" central bank. He has a monetary arsenal much richer than it was six years ago, when he had made his historic and well-known speech

.L & # 39; Germany reacted very strongly to the quantitative easing measures adopted by the ECB, totaling 2.5 trillion. euro. Mr. Draghi announced the launch of the Bond Purchase Program in January 2015 on the occasion of the Central Bankers Conference organized by the US Federal Reserve each year at Jackson Hall in Wyoming. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble accused the ECB of the low interest rate policy and quantitative easing measures affecting German savings

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