Usually the allowances of deputies are also for summer ministries POLITICS


By a symbolic gesture, probably of political importance and which brings a bitter smile to several deputies, the President of the House, through the amendments to the by-law pbaded this afternoon, accompanies the "departments of 39, summer "as early as next Tuesday: One of the changes voted concerns the removal of the additional allowance for deputies to participate in the summer parties introduced in 1991.

It is recalled that , under the regulation, in addition to their monthly remuneration representatives of the citizens in Parliament provided, including additional remuneration for both their participation in committees and summer courses. In the last years of the crisis, the amount of this additional tax has been significantly reduced, while most of them have noticed that the "bonuses" of the summer have been reduced. However, as regards the crucial and formal part of the question, this remuneration existed: "The allocation of members for their participation in Parliament's holiday services and its committees" is the title of the code "CA 0122" of the annual budget. The amount proposed for the current year as a whole (Summer and Committees) is € 1,321,000

The other changes voted concern the restructuring of the staffing of the Houses of Parliament, as it is now provided The first parties will serve in their offices by 20 officials of the House, ten for the third party, and five for the rest. As we have said, "today", the ratio was 29 for the SW, 16 for the PASOK and 8 for SYRIZA. In addition, the possibility of publishing a periodical (in printed or electronic form) of Parliament is provided for the promotion of parliamentary work and other activities of Parliament. It is recalled that there was such a review, funded by Parliament, but owned by an individual

Introducing the changes, Mr. N. Voutsis stood among others on the issue of timeless discussions (not always flattering to the politico system -parliamentary) and generally not unjustified) with a focus on the issue of public servants in the House. Mr. Voutsis noted that many of these attacks were fraudulent, aimed at depreciating the political world, while stressing that at least during his tenure, there are no party recruits. Previously, he added, there were moments of "the client's state of mind". In this regard, he has also been mentioned in recent publications which, as he pointed out, mislead the image of people in the House and give the impression that there had a lot of recruits. The Speaker of the House pointed out that they all answered this question. If something happened, he adds, it is the recruitment of cleaning agents directly from Parliament, those who have been employed in previous years by contractors (it is, as he says, about 60 people)

. in the House and stressed his political will where they find themselves to be paid. In this context, he reiterated the existence of a recruitment plan by ASEP and following a competition of 17 officials, on the basis of the provision of the law from 1 to 4 compared to those who take their retirement

claiming that the activity and therefore the needs of the House have increased: "It's a job for all of us, so that the House in those very difficult years, that looked like a 'mausoleum And at the same time to an area of ​​antisocial decision-making, keen and creative communication of trust with society. The distance from home to society decreases with political reasons. And it's something that works in favor of democracy and the political system, especially now at the end of the crisis and in view of the next difficult times for the country and Europe, "he said. he said.

these issues forced the Speaker of the House to "freeze" at this time, one of the planned changes and related to the establishment of 68 people serving as special guards in the House – and despite the fact that this change has met with the consensus of all parties: "I ask to freeze (if arrangement for special guards) .I am fully resolved to resolve it at the next revision of the regulations at the 39, Autumn, "said Mr. Voutsis, justifying this retreat and he continued:" They may be talking about other reds from Voutsis, and I will not be able to move forward.It catches people who reasonably want their child finds a job, how can I have so much pressure and Excuse me. "

Finally, it is interesting to note that Mr. Voutsis also announced a new legislative framework for the" situation "which – as he has said without further specification – (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f.fbq) f._fbq = n; n.pas = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", // .js & # 39;); fbq (& # 39; init & # 39 ;, & gt; 109138906120213 & gt;); fbq (& # 39; track & # 39 ;, "PageView"); [ad_2]
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