"War" SKAI-government for reporting with the murder of fire chiefs and police


"War" between the government and the TV channel SKAi broke out Wednesday night, on the occasion of the broadcast of a report about the possible harbadment of police chiefs and fires by the Prime Minister Minister Alexis Tsipras.

The Maximos mansion issued a statement refuting the report of the SKAI TV channel while in a statement, SYRIZA proposed the imposition of an embargo on SKAI, which he immediately blames for to have stopped the last 24 hours critical, deadly fires in Attica

A few hours later, SKAE issued a statement, arguing among others that "citizens know who is making cheap and miserable propaganda." Governments come and go "

In more detail, the announcement of SYRIZA:

" By decision of the press office of SYRIZA, following the vulgar attack against the fire chiefs and the Greek police, executed by SKA's sole purpose is to defeat the morale of executives and members of both corps, and SYRIZA members and deputies will no longer participate in TV and radio broadcasts, and SKAI will have the opportunity to participate. engage in s relentless propaganda, slander and lies against the government, SYRIZA and the left without our own presence. "

firefighters and police officers give a superhuman struggle to extinguish fires, locate missing persons and secure the citizens and their property, the SCAI would have discovered the intention of the Prime Minister to" kill "the fire chiefs and Police

In this way, and since this morning has failed to bring down the morale of the armed forces and their leaders, it is now trying to undermine the fight against fire and the police and back up the morale of those who fight the flames,

But the moral of the cadres of the fire brigade and the police and all those who give the battle alongside the citizens will not be bent by the lies of the SKA [19659004] Every Greek citizen knows He knows that what he did today has done in the past and will do it again in the future.

SKAI has once again demonstrated that He remains faithful to the tradition of undermining and provoking We will not follow him. "

In more detail The SKAI Announcement:
" SKAI professionally and objectively fulfills its journalistic mission. He has always opposed the arrogance and arrogance of many governments. The announcement today of the Maximus Maximum exceeds all limits and shows how insecure has led to inadequate management of a major crisis. We will not follow him. We will continue to do our job as we know it. Citizens know who is doing cheap and miserable propaganda and who is doing their job. They demonstrate it with the confidence that they have shown to SKAI these difficult days, and that's all we care about because governments come and go. "

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