
A http://www.ert.gr reads:

In order not to cut pensions as of January 1, 2019, Nea Demokratia asks the government to vote on the amendment tabled today. in the Parliament

As he indicates, inter alia, ND in the explanatory memorandum "Because he does not believe that the new significant reduction of pensions, against which he voted in 2016, and in 2017 and 2018, it is proposed to abolish additional capital and supplementary pensions, in other words it is proposed to abolish personal disputes from 01.01.2019. , which will consequently reduce the amounts of the main and supplementary pensions paid, as well as the reduction of the main and auxiliary pensions, including family benefits. "

that" the relevant reductions are not included in the third unnecessary Memorandum adopted in the summer of 2015 but incorporated thereafter and are the cost of delays and the inability of the government of SYRIZA and ANEL (19659003) New Democracy intends to immediately restore the pension amendment introduced last Sunday by Kyriakos Mitsotakis

"If the government believes that there is a scope, see if there is margin and margin Maria Spyraki, expressing in Theme Fm 104.6 recalling that the main opposition demands that pensions not be cut "because we have not voted for it"

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At the same time N. press spokesman announced that the main opposition party would tie its positive vote to the splitting of Athens II with the right to vote in the upcoming elections to Greeks abroad

"We will come back on the proposal until Friday to tell the government that no We do not forget the obvious right of Greeks abroad who are registered on the electoral lists while the government seeks pretensions in sin, "said Spyrakis and clarified:"

"We want the partition but will with the election of Greeks abroad "

" New Democracy is in favor of preserving open channels with Turkey and Turkish leaders at every opportunity and at every opportunity Mr Mitsotakis raised the issue of the immediate release of the two Greek servicemen, Mr. Mitsotakis raised this issue at the highest level at the Summit, but also at all the bilateral meetings that were held by Mr Mitsotakis, the New Democracy. he had with head and Bakoyannis responded to the institutional unacceptable in the vulgar tweet of Mr. Kammenos. In essence, Nea Demokratia wants to maintain channels of communication open with Turkey so that it can be discussed with its neighbors "

Source: http://www.enikos.gr

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