"We would have earned 3.3 billion euros a year if we were to get the European average for the use of cards"


A major positive contribution to the increase in VAT revenues has been the sharp increase in electronic payments following the imposition of capital restrictions, introduced Professor Nikos Vettas, Director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE). entitled "Electronic payments after capital restrictions: aid measures and tax revenues."

More specifically, as mentioned, the penetration of electronic payments had a positive impact compliance, contributing at least 50% of the annual increase in VAT revenues recorded in 2017. This performance is despite the fact that the average rate of card use in Greece remains below the EU average. More targeted measures are being taken to further improve the penetration of electronic payments, a prospect that will bring significantly greater financial benefits

According to the Foundation's study, annual VAT revenues will be by far, if the Greece has reached the average level of use of EU maps, it should be noted that after the introduction of restrictions on withdrawals of species, it was observed a diffusion impressive despite the use of electronic payments in 2015.

despite this dispersion, Greece remains in seventh lowest position of the EU in terms of the value of card transactions as a percentage of private consumption ( Greece in 2017: 20.1% – per inhabitant). EU-28 in 2016: 34.9%).

More specifically, to increase VAT revenue, according to the study, each 1% increase in the use of cards in value or number of transactions leads to an average of 1%. in the period 2015-2017 to a VAT revenue increase of 0.14 percentage points (un.m.) and 0.11 percentage points. respectively. Conversely, every 1 percentage point increase in the cards used for private consumption leads to a 1.4% increase in VAT revenues. With regard to the effect of the law 4446/2016 on VAT revenue, by the expansion of payment cards not due to other factors (changes in consumption, capital control effect ), the results of the use of statistical methods and tools it contributed for about 1/3 of the total annual increase (of 780 million euros) of VAT revenues in 2017.

The annual direct financial benefits of these measures are estimated between 210 and 323 million

as the overall financial benefit is greater, (19659002) Since the rate of use of the cards in Greece remains low compared to the previous year, international practices can derive greater financial benefit from further widespread use of electronic payments

On the basis of international from the cards used to private consumption annual revenue from VAT would have been higher by 21% (3.3 billion) if Greece had reached the average level of use of EU cards, as emphasized "an ENFIA and something more ".

Based on a penetration of the use of cards by industry and region, annual VAT revenues would have been higher by:

– 25% (3.9 billion) if the share of cards in catering represented the share of industry in private consumption

– 12% (2 billion euros) if the share of cards used in freelance transactions reached the consumer private

– 8% (1.3 billion) or 5.9% (930 million) if the use of maps in mainland Greece with the exception of Attica and Thessaloniki and in the islands of Greece were approaching respectively from the regions

Remaining distance from the EU

The level of use of payment cards was the same as in the case GDP. of the EU faster in 2017, but remains comparatively weak and heterogeneous by industry and region. The total use of cards as a percentage of private consumption remains at 14.8%. less than μ.ο. The increase in the share of cards is mainly felt in "low-risk" tax evasion sectors such as supermarkets, petrol stations, pharmacies but also in some insurance operations. "Risk" tax evasion set based on incentives and badumptions. However, the general level of use of cards in tax evasion transactions is significantly lower than their share in private consumption

.There is a similar heterogeneity in the geographic distribution of the taxpayer. use of cards. Although during the period 2015-2017, the use of payment cards has increased significantly in the country compared to the urban centers of Athens and Thessaloniki, the level of use Payment cards in non-Attica areas remain weak compared to the respective regions. GDP

With regard to the demographic characteristics of the use of payment cards, there is a decrease in the use of cards for the inactive and unemployed, while bank employees, uniforms and the private sector seems to have adopted more cards for their transactions. In terms of age, the frequency of use of the highest card is observed between 35 and 54 years, but the average monthly expenditure is higher among 55-64 year olds because of the higher mean value. high transactions

. with a series of policy proposals aimed at targeting the penetration of electromagnetic fields into high- and medium-risk tax evasion and in low-use areas

The measures are divided into three categories, those relating to consumers, to the enterprise administrative measures regarding the role of the state and regulators. The return to the consumer of a percentage on the value of the purchase of CEM in targeted and medium risk transactions, the introduction of a separate lottery or a refund of Tax for freelancers who achieve the EMF penetration goals and the rapid establishment of professional accounts. [F (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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