What should citizens do to get a family doctor?


The family physician is the last major change in the health system. It is the first point of contact of the individual with the national health system.

As part of the compulsory registration of the population to a family doctor (general practitioner or pathologist, pediatrician), all citizens are automatically matched and must make a registration application to a ]

The application for registration may be made:

  • electronically or
  • to any public primary health care facility or
  • directly to the family physician. 19659007] For your application via the application, follow the steps below:

    1. Entry into the computer system (rdv.ehealthnet.gr), with taxisNET codes and confirmation with AMKA [19659002] 2. Complete your personal information (on the basis of the information to be completed will be the choice of Family Physician ).

    3. Select a family doctor from among those available. Available are family physicians who provide services in the municipality declared at Step 2 and who have not reached the statutory ceiling of the population's liability

    4. Presentation of the Electronic Application

    5. Print the Application

    To submit your application to any primary health care structure, you need to have the following information: an ID and know your IDA. Staff will ask for your contact information to complete the application and will be asked to select a family doctor from those available. (19659002) The registration is completed upon submission of the application to the family doctor on the accompanied application:

    • Photocopy of the plaintiff's identity document (eg Identity Card )
    • (19659005) Particular case: An application for a legal representative is also required:
    • Certificate of civil status from which the degree of relationship is established or
    • Photocopy of a document issued by Home address or a statement of relative origin
    • After a period of three months from the filing of the application, the registration process is automatically completed by the system, According to the availability of the family doctor who has been selected please note that: Please note

      • You can only change the family doctor after six months of your registration.
      • For a free visit to a doctor from another specialty affiliated with the EPHYY, you must follow the referral process by the family doctor

      In the full development of the project, every citizen will be registered with a family doctor who will have his full story and will advise him on all his health problems. He will refer him to a specialist for his health problem or to a public hospital.

      The Department of Health has issued a note of information on matching. "The mapping was done by EDIKA through its electronic system.For the health service provider (LYY), age (for the distinction between an adult family and the population of a child) and the place of residence of each health service provider as respected in the WMA or APAW database were taken into account.And for family physicians, the specialty (for the distinction between a family doctor of one adult and a population of children) and the place of supply of services "is mentioned in note

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