When does the ring go to Athens?


  When the ring comes into effect in Athens

For a week, it will be the measure of the alternation of single and double (19459004) The arrangements will be reinstated in the autumn

The ring refers to the area in the center of Athens, which is surrounded by the following roads and streets:

] " Alexandros – Sakharov – L. Messogion – Fedippidou – Michalakopoulou – Spyrou Merkouri – Vryaxixos – Hymettus – Iliou – Hel Frantzis – L. Andrews Syngrou – Chamosternas – Piraeus – Iera Odos – Constantinople – Achilleos Square – Karaiskaki Square – Karolou – March -28 October (Patission) – Alexandras Avenue "

The ring is valid from Monday to Thursday from 07:00 to 20:00 for Friday from 07:00 to 15:00

The traffic limitation measures above are not applicable to marginal avenues and bypbad roads. The measures do not apply to public holidays, nor to days when workers strike all means of public transportation.

Updated: Sunday, 15 July 2018, 11:29

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