Wild Essentials in Pensions – Makélio Causes the Abolition of Personal Conflicts


The retiree odyssey continues to see new cuts in their bills. The circular budget bomb for 2019 includes full pension reductions of 18%. At the same time in 2019, it will bring further pension reductions because of the abolition of personal disputes.

For some 140,000 new retirees who retired after 13/05/2016 as Law 4387, the reductions are a fact, and as of 1/1/2019 a significant number of they will undergo a new break through a total abolition of the personal dispute that they receive today.

According to the Free Press, pension suspension or postponement scenarios exclude all new retirees for whom the Catastroge law is applied to the letter.


From May 13, 2016 to June 2018, some 140,000 policyholders retired and nearly 200,000 by the end of the year, given the estimates of the EMPA and the Ministry of Labor of about 10,000 young applications submitted each month.

We do not take care of all the new retirees who arrived at the end of 2018 but also for 2019 and the following years.

As reported in the press release, the two plans the government plans to put in institutions for pensions are:

a) Cancellations for pensioners under 600 to 700 €

b) Smaller scissors 10-15% for all others

As the Free Press writes, the goal of spending pensions is something like the "sacred chalice" at the Ministry of Labor, for 2018, it will close about $ 28.8 billion. euros (for the main and auxiliary) and for in 2019, it should fall to 25.4 billion. This provision results from the € 3.3 billion reduction included in the Houliarakis circulars.

These reductions are partly (about 900 million euros) new pensions, for which the reductions will be higher than in 2019, while any personal allowance is now removed by the December 2018 pension , the largest amount (2.2 billion euros) will come from the 1.3 million old pensions – of Catrushu – for which a reduction of 18% is expected.

The figure of 3.2 billion is mixed as reported by the newspaper. With the deduction of the tax, the net saving is about 2.5 billion euros.

According to the Free Press, the troika wants to keep the cuts to new pensions as they are and apply the same rule to the old ones, from which they expect a net (after taxes) amount of 1.8 billion euros. which will be a stable and permanent economy of insurance from 2019 to 2022 at least.

Analytical Examples

According to the newspaper, despite the freeze scenarios, EFPA data and decisions show that the cuts are a rule that is strictly adhered to and without any postponement to any new pension resulting from the Catastroge law. Retirement benefits Retirement pension Legal pension Forced pension 940 980 782 158 Public-Old Age 35 (Δ.Ε.) 1.605 (19659017) 34 years & 11 months 3.137 1.631 1.530 101 19659017] 1,232 1,005 227 Military (Housekeeper) 35 years old & 4 months old 3,493 1,587 31 years old & 7 months old 1,722 1 622 1 145 785 811 335 IKA-advanced age 27 years and 2 months 2,430 1,104 10 years 2,430 1,218 1,130 88 88 28 years & 7 months ] IKA-old age 29 years 1,250 707 [19659017] 657 50 ] 175 IKA-old age [19659017] 37 years old 1 600 1 207 979 * 19659017] * 19659017] * 19659017] * 19659017] * 19659017 *] 1.034 224 Old age of 39 OAEE-TEEE 41 years and 8 months * 1,335 published by the Sunday Free Press and comes from actual pension decisions of IKA, State and OAEE insured with a application from 13/05/2016 until March 2017. The elements of the decisions show that:

1. A new 35-year-old public retiree and a category of human resources would receive if there was no 940 euros of status for a pre-tax pension, whereas because he did after the law, he received a pension of 782 euros before tax. The reduction (personal gap) is 158 euros, or -16.8% / This reduction is permanent and not reimbursed by the government.

2. A new state pensioner at age 34 and 11 months, clbad PI, would receive if there was no Katragile pension 977 euros before tax, whereas because he applied for it after the law takes 814 euros before tax. The reduction (personal difference) is 163 euros, or -16,7%

3. A new public retiree with 37 years and 4 months, WP category would get there was no law Catrusha 1232 euros pre-tax pension, while because he has after the law he receives 1005 euros before tax. The reduction (personal difference) is 277 euros, or -18.4%.

4. Military who was discharged with the rank of Head of Chamber and with 35 years and 7 months would receive it there was no law of Catragueau 1587 euros, while because he applied after the law the pension came out 1122 euros before tax. The reduction (personal difference) is 465 euros, or 29.3%. Because the law says that if the reduction exceeds 20% then part of the personal dispute is returned, the pensioner is paid as a personal difference of 1/2 of the cut, or 233 euros and the pension received is set at 1354 euros before tax. But the new tax signed by the government last May (v.4472 / 2017) says that these differences are abolished by new pensions 1/1/2019.

This means that in the month of November the pension will be 1354 euros and that the first pension in 2019 will be paid at the initial pension without the personal difference, that is to say that it will return to its initial amount to 1122 euros.

5. Retired IKA with 31 years and 7 months entered retirement end of 2017. Unless the law of Catrugal does not apply, it would be 1146 euros before tax. With the law of Catastroge, the pension is 811 euros HT. It has a personal difference – a decrease of 335 euros (-29.2%).

Because he was released in 2017, he gets 1/3 of the personal difference of 111 euros and the reduction is limited to 224 euros. Until November, she receives a pension of 922 euros, but from the payment of December, the pension falls to 811 euros …

Widow's Pensions

Slaughter also takes place in widowhood pensions. According to the Free Press, it is not only that the widow or widower should have the 55th year or close it in three years so as not to lose the right to a pension, but in addition the new sums in the pensions of Widow are "gifted" are calculated over a period of three years at 50% of the deceased's pension and after three years, and 50% of the deceased's pension is 25%. If the 55th year after the first three years is not over, the pension will never be reborn!

Savage cuts to widows' pensions even reach 70%:

1. The widowed policeman receives 529.40 euros mixed from the pension of her husband who was mixed of 1.593.33 euros! In practice, she receives 33% of her husband's mixed pension. The reason is that, under the Catastrogas law, the pension of the deceased was recalculated and reduced to 1,058.97 euros. The recalculation reduced the deceased's pension by 542 euros, or nearly 35%. Of the 1058.97 euros considered by law, the new pension of the deceased widow gets 50%, or 529 mixed euros. If there was no Katrugala law, the widow would get 70%, which means that she would have her own widow's pension of 1,115 euros.

2. A mixed military transaction of 1,337.92 was transferred to the spouse due to death, for an amount of 426.70 euros. The widow receives nearly 35% of her husband's old mixed pension. The deceased's pension was recalculated and 1,337.92 was reduced to 853.39. The widow receives 50% so 426 mixed euros. Without the law, Catrushall would receive 70% of the deceased's gross pension before the recalculation, ie a widow's pension of 936 euros.

Source: Newspaper elephant presses

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