Workshop on Trade Relations between Greece and Pakistan


The possibilities of promoting trade relations between Greece and Pakistan and the benefits that may accrue to both countries and their enterprises were discussed at the conference held on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at the Chamber of Commerce of 39, Athens

. cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Greco – Pakistan, within the framework of the reception of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Hellenic industry. In his address, the President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce, Yannis Hatzisethodiou, pointed out that small and medium-sized enterprises can greatly benefit from their activity in large markets such as Pakistan, whose main business is in Pakistan. According to the World Bank, the country is the 24th largest country in the world in terms of purchasing power and the 41st largest in nominal GDP.

The possibility of penetration of Greek products on the Pakistani market as a strategic opportunity, said Mr. Chatzisheodosiou. For SEN, he said, the presence of many foreigners living in our country is of paramount importance. On the basis of the archives of the Chamber, more than 400 members come from Pakistan

At the same time, he noted that the main concern of the House is to strengthen relations in order to ensure the best possible coexistence in the Professional sector. To this end, SEN will organize a series of free Greek language courses for its members and their families, as well as a free eight-hour seminar for foreign entrepreneurs in Greece and badyze the main aspects of business in Greece.


M. Christos Grimbas, Secretary of Economic and Trade Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the Deputy Foreign Minister, George Katrougalou. In his message, Mr. Koutougallos expressed, among other things, his belief that "there is enough room to develop cooperation between the business communities of the two countries. In particular, commercial synergies could be explored in the fields of food and beverages, building materials and raw materials, energy – including renewable energies – of agriculture and pharmaceuticals. In addition, tourism, which is a key pillar of the Greek economy, could be a breeding ground for successful common practices and goals. "

Speeches were also addressed by the Consul of the Embbady of Pakistan in Greece, Mr. Yawar Abbas, the Vice President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Pakistan, Arfan Yousaf, the vice-president of the Greek-Pakistani Chamber Asad Atlaf, the honorary president of the Greek-Pakistani Chamber Mr. Ioannis Tzhen and the Economic Controller of the month period – Pakistani Chamber Dr. Andreas Koutoupis

In their positions, they highlighted the investment opportunities offered to Greeks in Pakistan and entrepreneurs from Pakistan to Greece, and they highlighted opportunities for cooperation in a number of areas, including tourism, agriculture, energy , gas, etc.

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