Wrap Ieronymos: another agreement, another intention to accept


The archbishop made today attempts to "soften" the priests after the reactions to the agreement with Alexis Tsipras. Whatever we do, the priests will be present, said Mr. Ieronymos after the meeting of the permanent Holy Synod.

"We are in Greece where we are in the jungle"Bishop Ieronymos asked, at the end of the critical session of the Holy Synod, to comment on what is heard, written and spoken in the public sphere, in the framework of an agreement concluded by the Prime Minister on ecclesiastical property and the payroll of the clergy.

"There is a difference: another agreement and another intention to accept"The Archbishop pointed out, adding"What happened yesterday? The state and the church have shown a willingness to solve problems that have existed for more than a century. That's what we want to do, have an agreement".

As he has said many times,we must tell our priests, because they fear that it will be done, we will do it together. We will not end with a point that priests will not want".

"I repeat that what we will do, how the fund will become, what will be the details, will be within the priests and without signature, consent, agreement, in the sense of the general interest, not just priests Archbishops, but of our people, nothing will happen. We do not do it to become richer. We do it to put a course on a few things, finally, "he said later.

The Archbishop added that "they speak of a very great wealth.We say that it is a fairy tale. A wealth such as charcoal that is thrown somewhere and has what you want, yes. Wealth, however, does not exist. We come to arrange this thing. We will do absolutely nothing if we do not get to such a point that the priests would like it and how it will be shaped, what needs will exist. Everything will be a peaceful journey for us all and for the benefit of all our peoples and therefore of each of us. This is the most general ".

Asked when the hierarchy will be convened, Bishop Ieronymos replied: "It will depend – it may be even more ahead of the holidays, I do not know."

Finally, with regard to the leader of Kalavrita, who spoke of treason, the archbishop stressed: "What is treason? The fact that the prime minister and the archbishop make an effort and that they say, on the one hand, you tell us that we are very rich and, on the other hand, when someone asks us for something, we say we do not have to give it to you. We do not laugh at us when we see that a huge fortune is a stalemate, a charcoal that gives nothing but gives opportunity to some who are smart, capable of To come in and fall and the court does not give us a decision; Finally, they understood that it was necessary to put a series. That's what we do. "

Analytically the announcement of the Holy Synod

After the meeting of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Archbishop Ieronymos and Prime Minister, Mr. Alexis Tsipras, yesterday, and the statement issued, the Holy Synod announces:

1) No agreement was sought or signed at the meeting, but the expression "the intention of the Church and the State to reach a historic agreement that would take the form of a legislative regulation "is expressed.

2) On this subject and the relevant proposals, as a competent body, the Hierarchy of the Church of Greece must be convened in order to make the final decisions.

3) In any case, the final agreement is for the common purpose of the people and the Church, with the basic precondition for the protection and full protection of the rights of our clergy.

4) We are pleased that the Greek Prime Minister has now admitted that:

(a) "the offer and the historic role of the Church in the birth and formation of the identity of the Greek state and the people"
(b) "the aim is to strengthen the autonomy of the Greek Church vis-à-vis the Greek State"
c) "It is recognized that the Greek state has taken over the treatment of Cleric in exchange for ecclesiastical property that he has acquired"
(d) "the destruction of historical symbols, the cross of the Greek flag and our national symbols are amusing comic and tactical things" and
e) "the existence of faith in Greece is an imprescriptible fact".

5) On this occasion, we expect from the political world as a whole a useful contribution to the effort of mutual understanding and respect for our tradition so that we all work together for the good of the Greek people.

6) We hope that this spirit will prevail in the next revision of the Constitution.

Permanent Holy Synod

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