Your own responsibility from now on


Thierry Monbade via Getty Images

Before the plenary session of the European Parliament, the President of the Eurogroup, Marios Senteno, and the Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Pierre Moscovis, sent a new message to Greece on the post-remembrance era . Mr Senteno asked Athens not to forget the reforms, while Moskovis, after noting that this is not the 4th Memorandum, stressed that the responsibility now lies with the Greek governments.

million. Senteno says that the Eurogroup has given Greece time and money and that eurozone countries have lent Greece 250 billion euros while no one else He was willing to do it. He unveiled this unprecedented solidarity, noting that Greece can now recover, with solid foundations and balanced and sustainable growth. He pointed out that Greece had adopted more than 450 corrective measures, stressing that he needed patience to do everything. The reforms are already underway, said the president of the Eurogroup, saying that economic growth has returned, that there is a large budget surplus and that the social security network is improving. The financial sector has more and more resilience and Greece will regain the trust of investors, predicts and will notice that Greece benefits without being burdened by taxpayers of other states

According to Mr. Sennenos, d & # 39; 39, here in 2032, Greece will pay lower interest. As he said, the Eurogroup decided to return to Greece the profits of the Eurosystem. The reform process must continue, regardless of economic and political circles, he added. Finally, he said that a "safety cushion" would be created for Greece, which will be covered for at least 22 months after the end of the program. For the next two years, we will have the so-called surveillance reinforced by the European Commission, he added to add that there would now be opportunities to choose tactics and political strategies

For its part, Mr Moskovishi pointed out that after eight years Greece is back on the road to regularity. This is a historic moment for Greece and Europe, we turn the page and leave behind the economic crisis, he said, recalling that in recent years it has been particularly painful for the people Greek and especially the middle clbad and the most vulnerable

. the European Commission has been an ally of the Greek people over the years and not one or the other. He also added that if Grexit had been made, we would have had a fragmentation of the eurozone. The Greeks are remarkable for their attachment to the euro zone, he said, saying that in the history of the European Union, no country has undertaken such major reforms in so little of time as Greece

. a pension system that is now much more viable, and with regard to the issue of red lending, he noticed that the situation is improving. The only effective strategy to reduce debt is growth, Moskovis said, stressing that the vicious circle of debt must be stopped. The responsibility now lies with the Greek governments, concluded the European Commissioner, adding that the reinforced supervision of Brussels is not a fourth program and that some Greek politicians should be very careful.

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